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md,s; f;jrmafmreuf.a
W;aidyh id¾:lhs
mdi,la wysñj isá <uhs
ckm;s ksfhda.fhka
u;=.u Ydka; fïß uy úÿy,g

mdi,la wysñj isá ó.y;ekak isiq isiqúhka kjfokd u;=.u Ydka; fïß uyd úÿy,g we;=¿ lsÍug ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a Wmfoia u; jhU ixj¾Ok yd ixialD;sl lghq;= ksfhdacH weue;s md,s; f;jrmafmreu uy;d Bfha ^20& fmrjrefõ§ lghq;= lf<ah'

ckdêm;s ‍f,alï ld¾hd,h u.ska lrk ,o oekqï §ulg wkqj fuu <uhska u;=.u Ydka; fïß uyd úÿy,g we;=<;a lr .kakd f,ig niakdysr m<d;a wOHdmk wOHlaI úu,a .=Kr;ak uy;d u;=.u jevn,k l,dm wOHdmk wOHlaIsld §ma;s f*dkafiald uy;añhg ,sÅ;j oekqï § ;snq‚'

mdi,la wysñ ù isá m<uq fYa‚fha <uhs kjfokd yd Tjqkaf.a foudmsfhda Bfha fmrjre 8'00 jkúg u;=.u l,dm wOHdmk ld¾hd,h bÈßmsgg meñK isáhy'

tu ia:dkhg ksfhdacH weue;sjrhd ish wdOdrlrejka o iu. meñ‚ w;r ksfhdacH weue;sjrhd we;=¿ msßi <uhska iy foudmshka úiska u;=.u l,dm wOHdmk ld¾hd,fha isg u;=.u Ydka; fïß úÿy, olajd fmryrlska le|jdf.k hk ,§'

ksfhdacH weue;s md,s; f;jrmafmreu uy;d Ôma r:hl fndkÜgqj u; ke.S fmryf¾ uq,skau .uka lf<a ish wdOdrlrejkao iu.h'

fuu wjia:dfõ u;=.u k.rfha iy u;=.u Ydka; fïß uyd úÿy, wdikakfha oeä ‍fmd,sia wdrlaIdjlao fhdojd ;snq‚' fmryf¾ Odjkh jQ jdykhl ‘niakdysr m<d;a wOHdmk weue;s;=udf.a l%shdoduh fy<d olsuq˜ hkqfjka nekrhlao m%o¾Ykh lr ;snq‚'

u;=.u Ydka; fïß úÿy, wi,g úYd, msßila fmryßka .uka l<o úÿy, ;=<g hdug wjirh ,enqfKa ksfhdacH weue;sjrhdg" isiq isiqúhkag yd foudmshkag mu‚'
tia'tï' uoaÿuf.a - u;=.u

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