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oyï mdi,a isiqúhka ;sfofkl=
wmfhdackh lsÍug ;e;al<
ldud;=rhdg .=á mqcdjla

oyï mdi,a isiqúhka ;sfofkl= wmfhdackh lsÍug ;e;al< mqoa.,hl= fmd,sish úiska w;awvx.=jg .;a mqj;la .d,a, m%foaYfhka jd¾;d jkjd'

Bfha fmrjre 10g muK 5 jir bf.kqu ,nk fuu isiqúhka 3 fokd jeisls<shg .sh wjia:dfõ§ tys ie.j isá iellre isiqúhkaf.a isrer iam¾Y lsÍug W;aiy f.k ;sfnkjd'

fï isoaêh ÿgq fouõmshka úiska iellre w,a,d.ekSug iu;afj,d'úydria:dkfha ;dmamh wi< iellre meñ‚ mdmeÈh kj;ajd ;dmamfhka jeisls,sh we;s ia:dkhg mek tf,i isiqúhka wmfhdackh lsÍug W;aiy f.k ;snqKd'

fouõmshka úiska w,a,d.;a iellreg fydogu myr§ .d,a, fmd,Sisfha <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hxYhg ndr§ug lghq;= lr ;snqKd'

.d,a, lmqfyaïm, m%foaYfha mÈxÑ iellre újdyl 30 yeúßÈ wfhla njhs jd¾;d jqfKa'

isoaêh ie,jQ m%foaYjdiska iy ol=Kq m,d;a iNd uka;%S l%sIdka; mqIaml=udr we;=¨‍ msßilao .d,a, fmd,Sishg meñK isá nj i|yka'

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