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wo ,xldfõ fndfyda fokd
ñksiaiqkaj ukskafka we÷ïj,ska

mshqï yixud,s lshkafka wo iudc fjí wvúj, fukau fndfyda fjí wvúj, úúO mqj;a ujkakshls'

ksrEmK Ys,amskshl jk weh" bÈßfha§ Ñ;%mg i|yd tlaùug kshñ;hs'

fï weh iu. ;nk igykls'

w¨‍;a jevlghq;= fudkjdo@

bÈßfha§ rEmjdysks kdgH folla i|yd jevlghq;= mgka .kak kshñ;j ;sfnkjd' ;j udi follska Ñ;%mghl rE.; lsÍï wdrïN lrkak ;sfhkjd'

ksrEmsldjla lsõjdyu wo ,xldfõ fndfyda fokd ;sfnkafka jerÈ wdl,amhla' b;sx fï ms<sn|j Tn olskafka fldfyduo@

wo ,xldfõ fndfyda fokd ñksiaiqkaj ukskafka we÷ïj,ska' b;sx uu kï ys;kafka flfklaf.a we÷ï ú,dis;djla ;=<ska flfklaj ukskak mq¿jkalula ;sfhkjd lsh,d' talksid uu ú,dis;d lrkafka ;ekg Tìk úÈyghs' b;sx fndfyda fokd ksrEmsldjkaj ukskafka we÷ïj,ska lsh,d ;uhs ug kï ysf;kafka'

,xldfõ fndfyda fjí wvúj,ska jerÈ m%pdrhka isÿlrkjd' ta .ek fudlo ysf;kafka@

uu kï ljodlj;a fjí wvúj,ska lrk lsisÿ m%pdrhla .Kka .kafk keye' tjeks foaj,a yo yo bkafk ñksiaiqkag jev ke;=j we;s' ug iuyrla foaj,a oelaldu;a yskd hkjd'

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