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uka;%S fodia;r lúkao chj¾Okf.a
tx.,ka;fha vhia fmdardj iu.
iïnkao;d t,shg

2016 cQ,s ui 03 jk Èk uyd n%s;dkH ixpdrhl fhÿKq md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S fodia;r lúkao chj¾Ok.a ixpdrh ms<snoj udOHfõ§kag ,enqKq f;dr;=re wkqj Tyq tx.,ka;fha isák Y%s ,dxlslhka uqk .eiS we;s w;r tys § o%úv Y%s ,dxlslhka ^vhia fmdardj& isá njo wm ,o f;dr;=re j,ska wkdjrkh úh' fï ms<sn|j wm Tyqf.ka lreKq úuiQ úg Tyq wmj oekqj;a lf,a rfÜ isák yd wm ráka msgù isák ish¿u Y%s ,dxlslhka fjka l, fkdyels nj;a isxy," o%úv" uqia,sï" n¾.¾" uef,a" fï ish¿u fokd ud yÿkajkafka iy i,lkafka Y%s ,dxlslhka yd tlu Ochla hgf;a isák ck fldÜGdihla yeáhg nj;ah' 

o%úv Y%s ,dxlslhka ^vhia fmdardj& udf.a tx.,ka; ixpdrfhaÈ uqk .eiqKq nj;a Tyqka iu. idlÉPd lr rg ;=, mj;sk hymd,kh iy rg ;=, mj;sk iduh ia:dms; lsÍu i|yd kj rch f.k hk jev ms<sfj<g Tyqkaf.a odhl;ajh ,nd Èh yels wldrh wjOdrKh lr isá nj;ah' tfukau Y%S ,xld rch úiska lrf.k hk kj jev ms<sfj< ;=,ska rg ;=, ixys¢hdj ia:dms; lsÍu ms<snoj Tyqka iu. idlÉPd jQ nj;ah'

fuu ish¿ Y%s ,dxlslhka rfÜ ixj¾Okh yd meje;aug iy ifydaorhka f,i Ôj;a ùug isxy, o%úv uqia,sï ck fldÜGdi j, tluq;= nj b;d jeo.;a nj idlÉPd jq nj;ah' fï ish¿ fokdg wdkavq mlaIfha md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S jrfhl= jYfhka Y%S ,xldj iqrlaIs; rgla yeáhg m;aù we;s neúka kej; Y%S ,xldjg tk f,i wdrdOkd l, nj;ah' tmuKla fkdj cd;sl fhdjqka fmruqfKa iNdm;sjrhd yeáhg cd;sl fhdjqka fmruqfKa tx.,ka; YdLdfõ idudðl idudðldjka uqk .eiSug o fuu tx.,ka; ixpdrh wjia:djla lr.;a w;r tx.,ka; tlai;a cd;sl mlaI YdLdfjka cd;sl fhdjqka fmruqKg iy mlaIhg tod fuod ;=r l, ish¿u Wmldrj,g udf.a ia;+;sh mqo l, isá nj;ah'

tfukau tx.,ka; md¾,sfïka;=fõ ^Westminster& uqo,a ldrl iNdfõ fmdÿ rdcH uKav,fha rgj,a 33la iu. ;snQ fuu jev igykg iyNd.s fjñka Y%s ,xldfõ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S jrfhl= jYfhka ksfhackh lrñka fmdÿ rdcH uKav,fha idudðlfhl= yeáhg Y%S ,xldj ksfhdackh l,‍ nj;ah'

flfia kuq;a ;/Khl=f,i cd;sjdoh mfil,d cd;Ska tl;=lsÍug fudyq.kakd W;aidyh w.h l< hq;=h'

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