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;Ügq .dKl f.dvke.s,a,lska
iqkLfhla ìug w;yßk
ffjoH isiqka fofokdf.a ;sßika
l%shdjg bkaÈhdfjka úfrdaoh

Wvq uy,l isg wysxil iqkLfhl= my<g ùislrk oiqk iys; ùäfhdajla iudc cd,hg tlalrñka m%isoaêhla ,eîug .sh ;ñ,akdvq ;reKhka fofofkl=g tfrysj oeä úfrdaOhla u;=j ;sfí'

iuccd, ;=< fmdrj,a ùug W;aidy lr we;s fudjqka ffjoH isiqka fofofkl= nj y÷kdf.k ;sfí'

flfia fj;;a" fuu mqj; fï jkúg bkaÈhdfõ fukau" cd;Hka;rfhao oeä l;dnyg ,laùfuka Tjqkag tfrysj oeä o~qjï meñKúh hq;= njg fndfyda fokd wjOdrKh lr we;'

tu ùäfhdajg wkqj" by< uyf<a fjj,ñka isák iqkLhd tla ;reKfhl= isky uqiq uqyq‚ka ord isák úg wfkla ;eke;a;d tu o¾Ykh ùäfhda lrk w;r" miqj Tyq iqkLhd my<g ùis lrhs' ta ïf,aÉP l%shdj ord.; fkdyels iqkLhd fõokdfjka lEfudr fok wdldrho tu ùäfhdafõ oelafjhs'

flfia fj;;a" i;aj whS;ska fjkqfjka fmkS isák bka§h ixúOdk úiska fuu iqkLhd miqj fidhdf.k we;s w;r" ta jkúg;a Ôj;=ka w;r isá iqkLhdf.a mdo ì£ we;s nj;a" tfia jqjo" tu i;ajhd hka;ñka j,s.h jkñka Tjqkag wdpdr l< njo lshhs'

fï w;r" fpkakdhs fmd,Sish fuu ;reKhka w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí' Tjqka y÷kd.ekSu i|yd fndfyda fofkl= tu oiqka ish iudccd, yryd yels ;rï fIhd¾ lr we;s njo lshefjhs'

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