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.S;d iukau,s l=udrisxyg
kdufhdackd Ndr§ug mjd
iqÿiqlï kE

iskud ks<s .S;d iukau,s l=udrisxy md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrKhg ;r. lsÍu i|yd kdufhdackd Ndrfok úg weh Y%S ,xldfõ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%sjßhla f,i m;aùug kqiqÿiq ;eke;a;shla nj kS;s{ fÊ'iS' je,swuqK uy;d Bfha ^26od& wNshdpkd wêlrKfha§ i|yka lf<ah'

wNshdpkd wêlrKfha iNdm;s úð;a u,,af.dv iy moauka Y%S iQrfiak hk úksiqre u~q,a, yuqfõ .S;d l=udrisxyg tfrysj we;s ßÜ fm;aiu wêlrKh yuqfõ i,ld neÆ wjia:dfõ kS;s{jrhd tf,i lreKq oelaùh'

.d,af,a Pkaoodhlhka jk tka'fla'ã' nqjfkl" whs'fla' lreKdj¾Ok" ta'iS' .=Kfialr" fÊ'fla' úfÊisß" tÉ't,a'mS' Èia;,d,a fuu ßÜ fm;aiu f.dkq lf<a Y%S ,xldfõ iy iaúiag¾,ka;fha oaú;aj mqrjeishl= jk .S;dg Y%S ,xldfõ wdKavql%u jHjia:dj wkqj md¾,sfïka;= uka;%s Oqrhla oeÍug fkdyels nj i|yka lrñks'

.S;d iukau,S l=udrisxy iy ú.uk flduidßia ckrd,a" tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha f,alï iy md¾,sfïka;= uy f,alï Oïñl Èidkdhl fuu fm;aifuka j.W;a;rlrejka lr we;'

fm;aiïlrejka fjkqfjka jeäÿrg;a lreKq olajñka kS;s{ je,swuqK uy;d i|yka lf<a wfma wdKavq l%u jHjia:dfõ 91 ^1& ã 3 jHia:dj wkqj oaú;aj mqrjeisNdjh we;s flkl=g md¾,sfïka;= uka;%s Oqrhla i|yd bÈßm;a ùug mjd fkdyels njhs'

.S;d l=udrisxy kdufhdackd §ug mjd iqÿiq flfkla fkdjk njo wehg kdufhdackd Ndr §ug mjd iqÿiqlï fkdue;s úg kdufhdackd Ndr § Pkaohg bÈßm;a ù wef.a ku uka;%sjrhl= f,i .eiÜ uÕska m%ldYhg m;a lsÍuo wdKavql%u jHjia:djg mgyeks nj je,swuqK uy;d meyeÈ,s lf<ah' ue;sjrKfhka miq weh iy ú.uk md,ljrhdg ,smshla hjñka wehg rdc;dka;%sl úfoaY .uka n,m;%hla ,ndfok f,i b,a,d we;ehso iaúiag¾,ka;fha mqrjeisNdjh w;ayeÍug weh mshjr .kakd njo tu ,smsfhka i|yka jqj;a fï olajd th tf,iu mj;sk njo je,swuqK uy;d mejeiSh'

fï jk úg iaúiag¾,ka;fha mqrjeisNdjh w;ayeÍug mshjr .kakd njg weh i|yka lsÍfuka wdKavql%u jHjia:djg mgyeksj isÿjQ foh wfydais fkdjk njo ;ju;a weh md¾,sfïka;= uka;%sjrhl= f,i jHjia:dfjka fkdms<s.kakd njo je,swuqK uy;d ;¾l lf<ah'

fï wjia:dfõ jeäÿr úNd.h Tlaf;dan¾ 24 jeks Èkg l,a ;eìh' kS;s{ mq,ia;s fyajdudkak uy;d iuÕ kS;s{ fÊ'iS' je,swuqK uy;d fm;aiïlrejka fjkqfjka fmkS isáfhah' ksfhdacH fid,sisg¾ ckrd,a ckla o is,ajd uy;d ú.uk flduidßia ckrd,a fjkqfjka fmkS isáhs' ckdêm;s kS;s{ ufkdayr o is,ajd uy;d .S;d l=udrisxy uy;añh fjkqfjka fmkS isáfhah'

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