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fmïj;shf.a fn,a, lmd
ji mdkh l, fmïj;d

wïmdr fldKavjgqjdk fj,ahdfhaÈ 27 yeúßÈ .=rejßhla lmdfldgd >d;kh lr ;sfnkjd' wehj >d;kh l< njg ielflfrk ;reKfhl= ji mdkh lsÍu fya;=fjka wïmdr uy frday,g we;=,;a lr we;s njhs jd¾;d fjkafka'

wïmdr fldkavjgqjdk fj,ahdh wi,È fuu ;re‚h >d;kh lr;snqfka wo fmrjre 8'30 g muK'

urKhg m;aj we;af;a wïmdr fiakd.u m‍%foaYfha mÈxÑ 27 yeúßÈ .=rejßhla'

fuu >d;kh isÿl< njg iellrk ;reKfhl=o ji mdkh lsÍfuka wk;=rej frday,a.; lrKq ,enqjd'Tyqf.a ;;a;ajh nrm;, fkdjk njhs frday,a wdrxÑ ud¾. mjikafka'

wod, ;reKhd nia r:hl fiajh l< wfhla' yqkakia.sßh m‍%foaYfha mÈxÑlrefjl= jk Tyq wo fmrjre 7'30 g muK wïmdf¾ kjd;ekam<ska msgù we;s njghs fmd,sishg f;dr;=re ,eì ;sfnkafka'

bka meh tl yudrlg muK miqj Tyq fiajh lrk niar:fha ßhÿrdg weu;=ula ,ndÈ mjid we;af;a —uu jy î,d bkakjd fmd,sish;a tlal blauKg tkak˜ lsh,d'

;uka iu. we;s fma%u iïnkaOh kj;d .=rejrfhl= iu. weh fma%u iïnkaOhla mj;ajd we;s ksid nia fldkafodia;r jrfhl=jQ fmïj;d weh iu. WrKj isg ;sfnkjd'Tyq ;u ñ;=rkag mjid we;af;a wehj .=rejßhla lsÍug ;uka jir .Kkdjla uqo,a yïn lrñka ,nd ÿka njhs'

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