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taldnoaO úmlaIfha /,sfha§
hlv neßhrhlg ysrù ;=jd, ,nd
frdays; oeä i;aldr tallfha

wo osk ^24& uy nexl= wêm;sg tfrysj taldnoaO úmlaIh ixúOdkh l< /,shlg tlaj isá ysgmq weue;s frdays; wfí.=Kj¾Ok hlv neßhrhlg ysrù ;=jd, ,nd fld<U fm!oa.,sl frday,l oeä i;aldr tallfha m%Óldr ,nk nj f.disma99 fj; jd¾;dfja'

wïmdr Èia;%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Y%shdks úfÊúl%u ìu weo jeàu ksid frday,a .; l< nj taldnoaO úmlaI wdrxÑ lshhs'

f,alayjqia uxikaÈfha isg úfrdaO;d md .ukska taldnoaO úmlaIh ksfhdackh lrk uka;%Sjreka we;=¿ msßi uqo,a wud;HdxYh olajd f.dia Woaf>daIKhl ksr; jq‚'

tys§ we;s jQ oeä f;rmSula fya;=fjka ud¾. ndOhl .eà weo jeàfuka frdays; wfí.=Kj¾Ok uka;%Sjrhd iy Y%Shdks úfÊúl%u uka;%Sjßh ;=jd, ,nd we;'

fuys§ uka;%Sjrhd úiska fmd,sia ud¾. ndOlhla miqlr hEug W;aiy l< wjia:dfõ§ fuf,i wk;=rlg ,laj we;s nj jd¾;d fjhs'

fuu úfrdaO;d jHdmdrh fya;=fjka fld<U fldgqj-f,ala yjqia wjg m%foaYfha oeä r: jdyk ;onohlao we;s nj jd¾;d fjhs'

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