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kdu,a N+.; ueÿf¾
iqremskshka iu.
wk. /.=ï mE yeá

ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d úiska fy<s lrk ,o " ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ck;d uqo,a ldndiskshd lrñka Tyqf.a fm!oa.,sl iqL úyrKh Wfoid fldgqj ckdêm;s ukaÈrfha ;kd ;sfnk ud, ms<sn|j Tng u;l muKla fkdj" miq.shod ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d úiska fldgqj ckdêm;s ukaÈrh uyck m%o¾Ykhg újD; lsÍfuka miqj Tn th krUkakg;a we;'

iïmq¾Kfhkau rdcmlaI mjqf,a fm!oa.,sl jqjukd fjkqfjka ksu l, we;s fuu >K fldkal%SÜ ì;a;s iys; fuu ud, i|yd jeh ù we;s uqo, ;ju;a .Kka n,do ke;'

ffu;%S ckdêm;sf.a fuu fy<sorõfjka miqj uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd m%ldY lr ;snqfka th rdcmlaI mjqf,a iqLúyrKh fjkqfjka bÈl, ,oaola fkdjk nj;a" fldákaf.ka fíÍu i|yd th bÈ l, nj;ah'

tfy;ath fldákaf.ka fíÍu i|yd bÈ fkdl, nj *S,aâ ud¾I,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d;a i|yka lr isáhd Tng u;l we;s'

flfia fj;;a tu N+.; ud, ;=< isÿ l, foaj,a fï jk úg wm fidhd f.k ;sfnkjd' mya; PdhdrEm j,ska ta l=ulaoehs Tng is;d .; yelsh hkak wmf.a woyihs''ææ

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