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wjqreÿ 15l mdi,a isiqúh
meyer f.k f.dia wmyrKh l<
mdi,a jEka r:fha ßheÿrd
fmd,sishg fldgqfjhs

jhi wjqreÿ 15l mdi,a isiqúhl uõmsh ndrldr;ajfhka meyer f.k f.dia wmyrKh l< nj lshk mdi,a jEka r: ßhÿfrl= w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s nj udoïfma fmd,Sish lshhs'

fmd,Sish úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k we;af;a y,dj; - lrúgd.drh m%foaYfha mÈxÑ 38 yeúßÈ újdyl wfhls'

wmyrKhg ,laj we;s mdi,a isiqúh udoïfma m%foaYfha mdi,l bf.kqu ,nñka isg we;'

iellre úiska meojQ mdi,a jEka r:fhka isiqúh ;u ksjfia isg mdi,g meñŒu isÿ lr we;s w;r tys§ mdi,a isiqúh iy jEka r:fha ßhÿre w;r fma%u iïnkaO;djh yg f.k we;ehs i|ykah'

fï nj oek f.k we;s oeßúhf.a uõmshka ;u Èh‚hj tu jEka r:fha .uka lsÍu kj;ajd we;' 24 jeksod mdi,a isiqúh ielldr jEka r: ßhÿrd úiska lsishï ia:dkhlg le|jdf.k f.dia we;s njg wehf.a uõmshka úiska udoïfma fmd,Sishg meñ‚,s lrñka mjid ;sfí'

ta wkqj iellre fmd,Sish úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k we;' oeßúh ffjoH mÍlaIKhla ioyd y,dj; uyd frday,g we;=<;a lr we;'

udoïfma fmd,Sish jeäÿr úu¾Yk lghq;= lrf.k hhs'

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