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wud;H md,s; f;jrmafmreu
udrdka;sl Wmjdihl

ó.y;ekak m%d:ñl úoHd,hg isiqka we;=<;a lsÍfï§ isÿjQ widOdrKhlg tfrysj ksfhdacH wud;H md,s; f;jrmafmreu uy;d iy m%dfoaYSh iNd uka;%Sjreka msßila we;=¿ foudmshka úiska ^27& u;=.u l,dm wOHdmk ld¾hd,h wi, wdrïN l< Woaf>daIKh Bfha ^28& WoEik isg udrdka;sl Wmjdihla njg mßj¾;kh ù we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

wod< n,OdÍka wo oyj,a jk;=re;a lsisu m%;spdrhla fkdoelajQ nj;a b,a,Sï bgq jk;=re fuu udrdka;sl Wmjdih w;a fkdyßk nj;a fï iïnkaOfhka woyia oelajQ md,s; f;jrmafmreu uy;d mejiS h'

fujeks widOdrKhka fndfyda wh u.yer isáho m%foaYfha .eg¨‍ iïnkaOfhka ;uka ksr;=reju Èúysñfhka fmkS isák nj;a fuu isoaêfha§o foaYmd,k n,h w;a;fkdau;slj whqla;siy.;j fhdod.ekSu ksid we;eï n,OdÍkao fuu orejkag isÿl< widOdrKhg j.lsj hq;= njo ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd mejiS h'

widOdrK whqla;s iy.; f,i ksoyia wOHdmkh ,eîfï whs;sh ye,a¨‍jg ,lalrñka niakdysr m<d;a iNd wOHdmk wud;H fidaujxYf.a foaYmd,k m,s.ekSu fya;=fjka ó.y;ekak m%:ñl mdi,g we;=,;aùu wysñl< orejka oi fokd ioyd udi 6la bl=;aj we;;a" fu;la úiÿula fkd,eîu u; ;uka u;=.u l,dm wOHdmk ld¾hd,h wi, Bfha rd;%S .; l, nj ksfhdacH wud;H md,s; f;jrmafmreu uy;d ish f*ianqla .sKqfï i|yka lr ;sfí'

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