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uf.a weia fol ,iaikhs lsh,d
yefudau lshkjd - lsIdks w,xls

ksrEmsldjl f,i l,d lafIa;%hg msúis lsIdks w,xls fmf¾rd j¾;udkh jkúg fndfyda risl msßila w;r ckm%sh ù we;af;a fg,s iy iskud ks<shl f,ihs' lsIdks ms<sn|j ks;r risl wjOdkh fhduqjk ksidu fujr wms lsIdks iïnkaO lr.;af;uq' tfy;a" udOHh ks;ru úuik m%Yakj,g jvd ;rula fjkia wdrl m%Yak lsysmhla wms wehg fhduq lf<uq' 

úfõlSj bkak fldg lsIdks lrkafka@

fmd;a lshjkjd' rEmjdysksh krUkjd' Bg wu;rj hd¿fjd;a tlal idmamq ijdßfha hkjd'

uE;l§ lshjmq fmd;a w;ßka is;a .;a fmd;la .ek lshkjd kï@

A Thousand Splendid Suns lshk fmd;

lkak leu;s lEula ;sfhkjdo@

Tõ' uu f.dvla leu;shs ;dhs" phsksia b;d,s jf.a lEuj,g' f;,a cd;s lEuj,g;a uu f.dvdla leu;shs'

wÈkak leu;s we÷ula ;sfhkjdo@

fï ojiaj, kï f.dvlau uu leu;s idß w¢kak' fudlo zrdOdZ lsh,d lsh,d idß fIdma tlla mgka .;a;d' fnd/,af,a ál,a mdf¾'

hd¿fjda tlal weúÈkak leu;s ;eka@

,xldfõ kï kqjr ;uhs uu hkak leu;s'

úfoaYSh ixpdrhla f;dar .kakjd kï@

oekg uu rgj,a 20lg wêl m%udKhla ixpdrh lr,d ;sfhkjd' ta w;ßka uu lsysm j;djla b;d,sfha ixpdrh lr,d ;sfhkjd' óg wjqreÿ 10lg ú;r l,ska ;uhs uu b;d,shg m<uq mdrg .sfha'

uE;l§ n,mq Ñ;%mgh@

The Devils Double Ñ;%mgh

leu;s ks<sh@

ÈmSld mÿfldakag uu f.dvla leu;shs' wehf.a rEmhg rx.k yelshdjg;a uu f.dvla wdihs' fnd,sjqâj, wo f.dvla w¨‍;a wh bkakjd' kuq;a" ÈmSldf.a rx.khg wNsfhda.hla t,a, lrkak ;rï flfkla uu olskafk keye' weh uE; ld,fha rÕmE ish¨‍u Ñ;%mg uu n,,d ;sfhkjd' ta yeu tllu wehf.a b;d Wiia uÜgul ;sfhkjd'


f.dv fofkla bkakjd' ta wh w;ßka Idrela Ldkag uu leu;shs'

l%Svd ;r. krUkak leu;s keoao@

leu;shs' f.dvla fj,djg Y%S ,xld l%slÜ lKavdhu l%Svd lrk ;r. uu krUkjd' l=ud¾ ix.laldr yd uq;a;hshd uqr,sorkag uu f.dvla leu;shs'

jrula ,enqfKd;a@

ug fyd| ieñfhla ,efnkak lsh,d'

lsIdksf.a uqyqK n,mq yefudau lshkafka@

uf.a weia fol ,iaikhs lsh,d'

,xldfõ j¾;udk foaYmd,kh iïnkaOj l;d lrkjd kï@

ug oefkk fohla ;uhs ld,hg jvd wo udOH ksoyi lshk foa jeämqr §,d ;sfhkjd lsh,d'

^Wmqgd .ekSu-idrúg&

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