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n‍%hkaf.a meñKs,a,g
foaYmd,kh .dj .kak tmd
th rfÜ kS;shg úiokak bv fokak
-n‍%hkaf.a wefgdaks n,lre
-,is; fmf¾rd'

Tiag%ේ,shdkq cd;sl wdfhdaclfhl= jk n‍%hka fIäla uy;df.a jHdmdr lghq;=j,g iïnkaO ù Tyqf.a jHdmdr fldgia wh;d f,i mßyrKh lsÍu;a" jHdc wefgdaks n,m;‍% fhdod.ksñka tu fldgia úlsKSu;a hk fpdaokd uQ,sl lr.ksñka md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S Woh .ïukams, uy;dg tfrysj n‍%hka fIäla uy;df.a ,xldfõ wefgdaks n,lre ,is; fmf¾rd jk ud úiska úfYaI úu¾Ik tallhg 2015 cq,s ui meñKs,s lf<ah'
wjia:d lsysmhl§ foaYShj yd úfoaYShj isÿl, mÍlaIKj,ska wk;=rej 2016 cqks ui 18 jk Èk md'u' Woh .ïukams, uy;dj úfYaI úu¾Ik tallh w;awvx.=jg f.k fld<U ufyaia;‍%d;a wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; flßK' fuu meñKs,af,a wksla m‍%Odk iellre jk isâks chisxy uy;djo Bfha Èkfha rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; flßK'

n‍%hka fIäla uy;d i;= mEka taIshd nexl=fõ fldgia ñ,shk 4'1 la jHdc wefgdaks n,m;‍%hla Wmfhda.S lr.ksñka remsh,a ñ,shk 110l uqo,lg úl=Kd oeóu;a" n‍%hka fIäla i;=j ;snQ isf,daka à .d¾vkaia wh;a 50] l fldgia úl=Kd uqo,a ,nd .ekSu;a" j,,a,dúg ;snQ f;a l¾udka; Yd,djla remsh,a ñ,shk 190 lg úl=Kd uqo,a ,nd .ekSu;a" fldgia fj<ofmdf,a fldgia ksl=;= iud.ula hgf;a ;snqKq f,day l¾udka; Yd,dj re' ñ,shk 100 lg úls”u yd tu wh;a ish¿ j;alï úl=Kd uqo,a ,nd.ekSu;a hk fpdaokd Woh .ïukams,g tfrys meñKs,af,a bÈßm;a lr ;sfí'

uq,a wjia:dfõ§ n‍%hka fIäla hk wfhl=j ;uka fkdokakd nj mejiQ Woh .ïukams, uy;d 2016/06/13 Èk jk úg t;=udj yÿkk nj ms<sf.k ;sfí'

Woh .ïukams, uy;d úiska ilia lrk ,o jHdc wefgdaks n,m;‍%fha tla idlaIsldßhla jYfhka fhdod we;af;a n‍%hkaf.a wdh;khl fiajh lr we;s frdaiauÍ iañ;ajhs' Bg wod< Èõreï m‍%ldYhla 2016 cqks ui uq,§ úfYaI úu¾IK tallhg ,nd § we;' fï jk úg th o iel iys; ,shú,a,la ù we;' tu ,smsh 2015$12$07 Èkg ilid we;af;a" lreKq bÈßm;a lr we;af;a fukau tyso w;aik jHdcj ;nd we;af;a Woh .ïukams, njg wdrxÑ ,efí'

.ïukams, uy;d úiska ilia lr we;s fuu jHdc ,shú,a, iïnkaOjo n‍%hka fIäla iy Tyqf.a ìßo úiska Tiag%ේ,shdkq fmd,Sishg wkqnoaO úfYaI úu¾IK tallhg meñKs,s lr we;' fï jk úg wka;¾cd;sl fmd,Sisfhka ta ioyd úu¾Ikhla b,a,d ;sfí'

fuu meñKs,a,g fyda isÿjk mÍlaIK yd úu¾Ikj,g lsisÿ foaYmd,k ueÈyï ùula ke;' fuh furg wdfhdackh l< úfoaYslfhl=g foaYmd,{fhl= yd jHdmdßlfhl= úiska isÿl< nrm;, jxpdjls' tfyhska ud b,a,d isákafka mlaI úmlaI foaYmd,khg fuh iïnkaO fkdfldg úfoaYSh wdfhdaclfhl=g isÿ ù we;s nrm;, jxpdjg kS;sh muKla wdOdrfhka idOdrKhla bgqlr .ekSug iydh jk f,ihs'

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