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udislj ,laIhla fydhkak
iqfLdamfNda.S jEka r:j,ska
wkqrmqr mQcd k.rhg hdpl yuqodjla

fujr fmdfidka fmdfydh ksñ;af;ka wkqrdOmqr mQcd N+ñhg i;shla mqrdjg fn!oaO ne;su;=ka meñfKkafka ñys;ak,h we;=¿ wfkl=;a mQckSh ia:dk oel n,d .ekSug iy jkaokdudk lsÍugh'

fujr fmdfidka i;sh wdrïNùu;a iuÕu wkqrdOmqrhg meñK we;s hdpl msßi o w;s úYd, nj jd¾;d fõ'

Bfha ^16& WoEik jkúg;a fndfyda msßila wkqrdOmqr k.rfha úúO ia:dk ;u isÕufka fh§fï lghq;a; fjkqfjka f;dardf.k ;sfí'

ta w;ßka fndfyda msßila wkqrdOmqr" ñyska;,h yd ;ka;sßu,h mQcd N+ñ wdl%uKh lrñka isÕufka fhfohs'

wkqrdOmqr k.rfha jHdmdßlhska i|yka lrk wkaoug fmf¾od ^15& rd;%sh jkúg wkqrdOmqrhg msgia;r hdplhska 100 blaujQ msßila meñK ;sfí'

ta w;ßka fndfyda msßila fld<U" .ïmy" lsßn;af.dv" l=reKE.," ó.uqj" .d,a, iy l;r.u hk m%foaYj,ska meñ‚fhdah'

wkqrdOmqr jHdmdßlhska lshdisákafka msgia;r m%foaYj, isg meñfKk hdplhska hehs y÷kajk fndfyda msßila isÕuka he§u i|yd ixúOdkd;aul f,i iQodkï ù iqfLdamfNda.S jEka r:j,ska meñfKk njhs'

isÕuka he§u i|yd iqÿiq ia:dk f;dard .ekSfï § Tjqka w;r .egqï we;sjk nj;a isÕufka fh§fuka iuyr hdplhska fmdfidka i;sh ksudj;a iuÕ remsh,a ,laIhlg jvd Wmhk nj;a wkqrdOmqr k.rfha fjf<kaoka jeäÿrg;a lshdisáfha h'

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