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fydr ñksyd tydme;af;ka mek, .shdÆ
wem ,enQ iqika;sldf.a ieñhd lshk l;dj

myr§ula fya;=fjka T,sïmsla molalï ,dNS iqika;sld chisxy uy;añh frday,a .;l<d' myr§u isÿl< nj lshk wef.a ieñhdg wem kshu flreKd'

Bfha w¨‍hï ld,fha § fm!oa.,sl fya;=jla u; fuu myr§u isÿù we;s njhs iqika;sld chisxy uy;añh m%ldY lf<a' weh .ïmy uyfrday,g we;=<;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej fkajdisl m%;sldr ,nd.;a;d'

myr§u isÿl< nj lshk iqika;sld chisxy uy;añhf.a ieñhd jk Oïñl kkaol=udr uy;d je,sfõßh fmd,Sish u.ska w;awvx.=jg .ekSfuka wk;=rej .ïmy ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhg bÈßm;a l<d' tys§ iellreg remsh,a ,laIh ne.ska YÍr wem folla u; ksoyia lsÍughs wêlrKh ksfhda. lf<a'

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