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ÿjf.a wvksrej;a PdhdrEm
.ugu fnÿ ;reKhdf.ka
uereï lE ujla ^VIDEO&

noafoa.u óuevqu .ïudkfha ;re‚hlf.a fmïj;d thdf.a w~ ksrej;a PdhdrEm wrf.k' Bgmiafia tajd ta fmïj;d .fï bkak whg ;eme,a lr,d tj,d'

;ukaf.a ÿjg fï l< jefâg f.dvla flaka;s .sh thdf.a ;d;a;d ta ;reKhg tkak lsh,d myr §,d'

fï isoaêh .ek ta ;reKhd noafoa.u fmd,sishg meñ‚,s l,dg miafia fï ;d;a;j fmd,sishg w,a,ka .syska' thdg wem ,enqfKa .sh isl=rdod'

;re‚hf.a w~ ksrej;a PdhdrEm isoaêh .ek meñ‚,s lrkak lsh,d ,enqKq Wmfoia wkqjhs ta ;re‚h thdf.a wïu;a tlal úisfjksod yji fmd,sishg .sfha'

fmd,sishg .syska tk w;f¾ fï PdhdrEm isoaêhg iïnkaO ;reKhd hd¿fjla tlal miafika weú;a' ta nj oelmq ;re‚h cx.u ÿrl;kfhka fï wk;=r .ek ;ukaf.a {d;sfhl=g lshkak yo,d' t;fldgu miafika wdmq thdf.a fmïj;hs hd¿jhs ;re‚hghs ujghs noafoa.u md,u Wv§ fmd,af,ka .y,d .sx .Õg ;,a¨‍ lr,d'

fokafkla .fÕa .yf.k hkjd oelmq ;reKfhda fokafkla ;re‚hj fírd.;a;;a thdf.a wïud uyd c, l| w;f¾ ieÕjqKd' fudk ;rï fyjqj;a ojia folla ;siafia fydhd.kak neß jqKq fï ujf.a u< isrer wo yuqjqKd' ta noafoa.u udr.y f;dgqm, .djÈ'

ÿjf.a m%Yakhlg wjdikdjka; úÈhg Ôúf;ka iuq .;af;a ks,dks .=Kj¾Ok keue;s 35 yeúßÈ isõ ore ujla'

iellrejka mek,d .sh;a l=re÷.y ye;elau yd óuevqu m%foaYj,§ fokakju fmd,sish fldgq lr .;a;d'

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