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whsia,ka;fha ;shk
wmQre iajdNdúl WKq Èh
msyskqï ;gdlh ^PHOTOS&

whsia,ka;h lshk ku wefyk fldgu wfm ys;g tkafka ysu j,ska jeyqKq is;, jgmsgdjla iys; rEmhla' whsia,ka;h msysg,d ;sfhkafka tlai;a rdcOdksh iy .%Ska,ka;h w;r uqyqÿ l,dmfha'

fï rg b;du;a w,xldr ta wmqre iajdNdúl ks¾udK j,ska msreKq rgla lsõfjd;a ksjerÈhs' kuq;a ta rfÜ msysg,d ;shk Blue Lagoon l,mqj .ek kï jeä fofkla okafka kE'

fuh iajdNdúl msyskqï ;gdlhla jf.a lsõfjd;a Tn tl. fjkjd o@ ta fuh m%isoaO iïndyk kjd;ekla' f,dalfha 25 jk mqÿuh úÈhg;a ms<s.efkkjd Æ' 1976 jif¾ fï m%foaYfha NQ ;dm n,d.drhla bÈlr,d ;shkjd' ta wehs okakjd o@ fï m%foaYfha ógr 200la muK m<, lsf,daógr 2la muK È. úYd, WKqj;=r ú,la u;=fj,d ;shk ksid'

ta fï ú,g úfYaI frda. iqjlsÍfï Yla;shla ;shkjd lsh,;a m¾fhaIlhka f.a u;hla ;shkjd' fï c,fha ixhq;sh;a ;rula fjkia' tys ,jK" is,sld iy we,af.a wka;¾.;hs' fï §ma;su;a ks, we;sfj,d ;sfhkafka ta is,sld ksid Æ' mßirfha we;s jk ld,.=Ksl fjkiaùï tlal fï ú,S meyeh;a fjkia fjkjd lsh,d oek.kak ,efnkjd'

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