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,xldfõ k¿ ks<sfhda wdOdr;a
wrf.k .xj;=rg neye,d
ukqiailu fnod .;a; yeá
^PHOTOS& Èkj, ,xldj mqrd mej;s whym;a ld,.=Kh ksid fndfyda fofkla lrorhg m;ajqkd' fld<U k.rh wjg .u ìï c,fhka hg fjkfldg lE.,a," r;akmqrh jeks Èia;%slalj, .ïudk msákau kdh .sh l÷j,g hg jqKd'

fï jHjikhg ÿmam;a fmdfydi;a fíohlaj;a cd;s fíohlaj;a ;snqfka keye' ta ish,a, .xj;=rghs uy l÷j,ghs hg jqKd' 

.,mq .xj;=r tu m%foaYj, w; orejdf.a isg jhjDoao mqoa.,hska olajd ishÆu fokd wirK lrd'

wfma rfÜ wfmau lÜáh wirK fj,d bkakjd oelmq ldf.a;a ys;g wdfõ fldfyduo fï lÜáhg Woõ Wmldrhla lrkafka lsh,d'

ta ksid rfÜ yefudau tldjf.a tl;=fj,d wirK jqKq ñksiaiq fjkqfjka mq¿jka úÈhg Woõ lrkak .;a;d' wfma rfÜ k¿ ks<sfhda iy m%isoaO pß; f.dvl=;a ta wirK fjÉp ñksiqkag Woõ lrkak fhduq jqKd' ta wh .xj;=frka úm;g m;ajqK ck;djg Woõ lf¾ fukak fï úÈhghs'''

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