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f*dkafiald uyskaof.a wdrlaIdj
.ek lshkfldg taldnoaO úmlaIh
tcdm uka;%Sg ;ä ndhs
myr lE uka;%S frday,g^ùäfhda&

wo md¾,sfïka;=fõ iNd ueog meñ‚ tldnoaO úmlaIfha uka;%Sjre msßila lE.,a, tcdm uka;%s ika§ma iurisxy uy;dg myr ÿkay' .egqu ixisÿjd .; fkdyels l< l;dkdhl ñks;a;= mylg iNdj l,a ;eîh'

.egqu werUqfKa fufiah' ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a yuqod wdrlaIdj wvq l<ehs ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok uy;d m%Yakhla u;= lf<ah'

l;dkdhljrhd mejiqfõ ta .ek fidhd n,k njhs'ta iuÕu tldnoaO úmlaI uka;%sjre miajre 1'20 g muK iNd .en ueog wdy'm%ikak rKùr"tcdm uka;%s md,s; f;jrmafmreu uy;ajre ta w;r jqy'

rks,a úl%uisxy w.ue;sjrhd ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok uy;dg ms<s;=re foñka l;d lrkakg úh'

—uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg wdrlaIdj fokjd' t;=udg wdrlaIdj Èh hq;=hs't;=ud ke;akï wmg Pkaoh Èkkag neye'˜

bkamiq weue;s *s,aâ udI,a ir;a f*dkafiald l;d lf<ah' uyskao rdcmlaI iufha Tyqg ,enqKq wdrlaIdfõ ;ru Tyq úia;r lf<ah'

—fj,aúodfka˜ hkqfjka lE.iñka úmlaI uka;%sjre ;j ;j;a lE flda .ikakg jqy'm%ikak rKùr yd md,s; f;jrmafmreu hk uka;%sjre tlsfkldg wNSfhda. lr .ksñka bÈßhg toa§ iÈma iurisxy uy;d ueog meñ‚fhah' tldnoaO úmlaI uka;%sjre msßila Tyqg ;ä ndkakg jqy'l;dkdhljrhd miajre 1'35 g /iaúu l,a ;nd wiqkska .sfhah'

fufia myrlEug ,lajQ lE.,a, tlai;a cd;sl mlaI uka;%S ikaÈ;a iurisxy uy;df.a uqyqKg ;=jd, isÿ ù we;s nj;a ta iïnkaOfhka tlaia f¾ mÍlaIKhla isÿ lsÍu i|yd fufia frday,a .; lr we;s nj;a i|yka'

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