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weu;s yßkaf.a udisl jegqm;a
fg,sfldï fiajlhskaf.a
Èkl jegqm;a wirKjqjkag

ishÆu iyk fiajd uOHia:dkj,g
fg,sfldï fj;ska fkdñf,a
ÿrl:k myiqlï

Èjhskg n,mdwe;s whym;a ld,.=Ksl ;;ajh fya;=fjka fld<U m%foaYhg oeä ydks isÿ ù ;sfnkjd' fuhg m%Odk fya;=j jqfha le<Ks .. msgdr .e,Suhs'

fï fya;=fjka úYd, msßila wirK ù isákjd' tu msßif.a kEoE ys; ñ;=rkag f;dr;=re ,nd §u ioyd läkï jev ms<sfj,la úÿ,sixfoaY yd äðg,a há;, myiqlï wud;H yßka m%kdkaÿ uy;d fg,sfldñ fudìfg,a wdh;k tlaj f.k ;sfnkjd'
fuys§ ish,qu  iyk fiajd uOHia:dk j,g iy ,xld úÿ,sn, uKav,hg fï ioyd wh lsßulska f;drj ÿrl:k fiajd iemhSug Y%S ,xld fg,sfldñ iy fg,sfldñ fudìfg,a wdh;k lghq;= i,id we;' ;jo wud;H yßka m%kdkaÿ uy;df.a udisl jegqm;a Y%S ,xld fg,sfldñ wdh;kfha fiajlhskaf.a Èkl jegqm;a fï wirK ù isák ck;dj fjkqfjka m%Odkh lsßug weu;s jrhd iy fiajlhska tl.ù we;' fuys jákdlu /msh,a ,laI ishhls'

wo Èk Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï wdh;jfha mej;s udOH yuqjl§ wud;H jrhd fïnj m%ldY lrkq ,eìh'
fï ioyd Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï iNdm;s l=udrisß isßfiak iy m%Odk úOdhl ks,odÍ È,Sm úf–iqkaor hk uy;aj/kao tlaj isáhd'

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