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isr.;j isáh§ cd;sl frday,g
we;=,;a jqfha fndrejla lrñka nj
tia'î fy<s lrhs^ùäfhda&

isr.;j isáh§ ;uka cd;sl frday,g we;=,;a jqfha fndrejla lrñka nj iudc iún, .ekaùfï yd iqnidOk wud;H tia'î' Èidkdhl uy;d mjihs'

Tyq fï nj m%ldY lf<a Bfha ^28& fld<U§ mej;s isrlre iqnidOk ix.ufha 99 jk ieureï W;aihg iyNd.S fjñks'

;uka ovqjï ,nmq isrlrefjl= yeáhg wjqreoaohs udi 4la ysáh nj;a Pkafoa ldf,g udi follg ;ud fld<U cd;sl frday,g .sh nj;a tfia frday,a .; jQfha fndrejla lshd nj;a wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<ah'

ysgmq w.úksiqre ir;a kkao is,ajd ,ndÿka jerÈ tla kvq ;Skaÿjla jQfha ;udf.a kvq ;Skaÿj nj o wud;Hjrhd mejiS h'

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