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wieì jok ms<sn|
iudj whÈkjd - yÍka

md¾,sfïka;= újdohla w;r;=r ish uqúka wieì jpkhla msgùu iïnkaOfhka iudj whÈk nj úÿ,s ixfoaY lghq;= Ndr wud;H yÍka m%kdkaÿ mjihs' l:dkdhl;=uks fjÉp wvqmdvqj iïnkaOfhka uu W;a;Í;r iNdfjka iudj wheo isák w;ru tjeks fohla kej; isÿ fkdjkak;a j. n,d .kakjd'Z wud;Hjrhd lshd isáfha nodod md¾,sfïka;=j /ia jQ wjia:dfõ§' oywg jkod Y%S ,kalka .=jka fiajh ms<sn| ;ud m%ldYhla lsÍug iqodkï jkjd;a iu. úmlaIh lrk ,o m%ldYhlg ;ud m%;sW;a;rhla ,nd §ug hdfï§ wvqmdvqjla isÿ jQ njhs wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<a'

úmlaIfha we;eï msßia È.ska È.gu l:dkdhljrhdg iy w.%dud;Hjrhdg;a fkdfhl=;a kï mjiñka ndOd lrk nj;a tÈk;a tjeksu ;;ajhla we;s jQ nj;a Tyq mejiSh'

tjeks isÿùï md¾,sfïka;=j ;=< isÿ ùu iïnkaOfhka ;ud lk.dgqjg;a ,eÊcdjg;a m;a jk njhs tys§ l:dkdhl lre chiQßh lshd isáfha'

zzfoaYmd,k{hka jYfhka ;udf.a jro ms<s.ekSu Tnf.a foaYmd,k wkd.;hg wdo¾Yhla fõú lshd uu úYajdi lrkjd'ZZ

uE; ld,fha iNd.en ;=< we;s jQ we;eï isÿùï fya;=fjka md¾,sfïka;=fõ f.!rjh my;a uÜgug jeà we;s nj;a l:dkdhljrhd mejiSh'

zfuh rggu wdo¾Yhla ,nd Èh hq;= ;ekla' wo fuu ia:dkh foi mdi,a <uqka mjd n,kafka wj{d iy.; wdldrhlgZ l:dkdhl lre chiQßh i|yka lf<ah'

uka;%Sjrekag wdpdr O¾u moaO;shla y÷kajd ÿkafka md¾,sfïka;=fõ f.!rjh wdrlaId lsÍfï wruqKska nj;a l:dkdhl lre chiQßh jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah

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