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u¾úka taldnoaO úmlaIfha bo.kS

taldnoaO úmlaIh hk Y=oaO jpkh fydrekag" uxfld,a,lrejkag Ndú; lsÍug bv ,ndÈh fkdyels nj;a" tafjkqfjka úmlaIfha ld¾hNdrh bgqlsÍug ;ud ueÈy;aù taldnoaOúmlaIhla msysgqjd .kakd nj;a ysgmq wud;H u¾úka is,ajd uy;d mejiSh'

taldnoaO úmlaIfha˜‍ ku iy ,dxPkh igyka lr we;s nekrhla miqìï fldgf.k wo ^16od& fld<U§ meje;s udOH yuqjl§ Tyq fïnj mejiSh'

tfukau tod ish¨‍ foa isÿ jQfha rdcmlaIjrekaf.a wjYH;dj u; nj;a" Tjqkaf.a fndfyda wjYH;d fjkqfjka ;udg fmkS isàug isÿ jQ nj;a u¾úka is,ajd uy;d lSh'

wo isg taldnoaO úmlaIfha le|jqïlre f,i ;ud lghq;= lrk w;r" bÈßfha§ fndfyda msßila ;ud jgd tlajkq we;snjo ta uy;d lshd isáfhah' nq,;a fld<fhka Pkaoh b,a,d meñ‚ tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha msßila wdKavqj lrk úg tysu ;j;a msßilg taldnoaO úmlaIh f,i fmkS isàug lsisÿ yelshdjla ke;ehso fyf;u mejiSh'

w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.a Pdhd rEmhla Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI uQ,ia:dkfha m%o¾Ykh l< hq;= nj o u¾úka is,ajd mejiSh'ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d ckm;s lrùug rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d lghq;= l< neúka tf,i Pdhd rEmhla m%o¾Ykh l< hq;= hehs fyf;u lSfõh'

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