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rkd, oeä.uqj lkao
kdhhdfï wjodkul
ksfjiaj,ska ck;djg
bj;ajk f,i oekqï fohs

rkd, oeä.uqj lkao kdhhdfï wjodkula u;=j ;sfnkjd' ueo uKaäh mkai, wdikakfha ksfjiaj,ska ck;djg bj;ajk f,i oekqï § ;sfnkjd'

kdhhdï wjodkula iys; ,la‍IK u;=j we;s nj kj.uqj fmd,sia m‍%ldYlfhl= i|yka l<d' wêl jeis iuÕ ksjdi lsysmhl we;sjQ Èh W,am;a tljr kej;S f.dia ;sfnkjd

lkao uqÿfkka weoye¨‍Kq Èhmyrla o k;r ù we;s njhs fN<sù we;af;a' ta wkqj cd;sl f.dvke.s,s m¾fhaIK wdh;kh oekqj;a lsÍug mshjr .ekqKd'

tys ksfhdað;hka meñK ksYaÑ; jYfhkau úu¾Ykh lr oekqï fok f;la wjika ks.ukhlg t<ôh fkdyels nj fmd,Sish i|yka l<d' flfia fj;;a fmr iQodkula f,i ck;dj bj;a lsÍug mshjr f.k ;sfnkjd'

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