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le<Ks .f. c, uÜgu my<g
ñ .Kk 82 olajd by<g

whym;a ld,.=Kh iu. n,mE wdmod ;;a;ajh fya;=fjka ñ mqoa.,hska ixLHdj 82 olajd by< f.dia ;sfí'

mqoa.,hka 29 fofkl= ;=jd, ,nd 118 fofkl= ;ju;a w;=reokaj isák w;r" úkdYhg m;ajQ ksjdi ixLHdj 400 ls' mjq,a 57"590 lg wh;a mqoa.,hka 242"927 la wdrlaIs; ksjdi 398 l r|jd isáhs'

ld,.=K úoHd fomd¾;fïka;=fõ wOHla‍I ckrd,a ,,s;a pkaømd, uy;d i|yka lf<a ld,.=Kh hym;a w;g yefrñka mj;sk njhs'

by< .sh le<‚ .fÕa c, uÜgu fï jkúg l%u l%ufhka wvqjk nj jdßud¾. fomd¾;fïka;=fõ wOHlaI ckrd,a iuka ùrisxy uy;d m%ldY lf<ah'

le<‚ .fÕa .xj;=r by,gu ;snQ wjia:dfõ wúiaidfõ,af,a wä 65l c, uÜgula ;snQ w;r th fïjk úg wä 42 olajd my, f.dia ;sfí'

yxje,af,a óg¾ 10la j ;snQ .xj;=r ;;a;ajh fïjk úg óg¾ 8'2 olajd wä 6la muK my,g f.dia ;sfí' kd.,ïùÈfha c, udmlfha c, uÜgu wä 7'6g by, f.dia ;snQ w;r th fïjk úg wä 6'8 olajd wvqù we;'

fld<U wdY%s; m%foaYj, wÕ,a 6la muK c, uÜgu my, f.dia we;s nj;a úYd, c,dY 23la msgdr .eÆ w;r fïjk úg th c,dY 7lg wvqù ;sfí'

fï fya;=fjka .xj;=r ;;a;ajh myj hk nj jdßud¾. fomd¾;fïka;=fõ wOHlaI ckrd,a iuka ùrisxy uy;d mjihs' 

wdmodjg ,lajQ m%foaYj, ck;djf.a foam< wdrlaIdj i|yd úfYaI l%shdud¾. f.k we;s nj fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ wð;a frdayK uy;d mejiS h'

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