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oyia ixLd; ck;djf.a
fida iqiqï yvjñka wrKdhl
kdhhdfuka Ôú; wysñ jQjka
ñysoka flf¾^ùäfhda&

wrKdhl t<.smsáh isßmqr iduir lkao kdhhdfuka ñh .sh whf.a uD; foayhka ms<sn| wjika lghq;= Bfha miajrefõ mQ¾j rcfha úhoñka oyia ixLd; ck;djf.a fida iqiqï yv uOHfha y;a.ïfmd< fmdÿ iqidk N+ñfha§ isÿ flß‚'

ñ whf.a foayhka wjika f.!rj oelaùu i|yd y;a.ïm, úÿyf,a ;ekam;a fldg ;snq‚'

wjika f.!rj oelaùu i|yd wdKavqj ue;s weu;sjre ckm;s Èh‚h p;=ßld isßfiak uy;añh we;=Æ úYd, msßila meñK isáhy'

wd.ñl lghq;= isÿ lsÍu i|yd m‍%foaYjdiS uyd ix>r;akh úYd, fldgila jevu fldg isá w;r Wka jykafia,df.a wkqYdikdj,ska miq ñh .sh whf.a mjqf,a {d;Skao wdKavqj ksfhdackh lrñka ks,Odßkao m‍%foaYjdiSkao ue;s weue;sjreo u;l jia;‍% mQcd fldg meka jvd ñh .sh whg mska wkqfudaoka l<y'

wd.ñl j;dj;aj,ska miq ckm;s;=udf.a;a w.ue;s;=udf.a;a fYdal m‚úv lshùfuka miq wdKavqfõ ue;s weu;sjre yd rdcH ks,OdÍka lsysmfofklao wjux.,H iNdj weu;+y'

wk;=rej foayhka y;a.ïm, iqidk N+ñh fj; /f.k tk ,§' foayhka /f.k tk u. fomi w;s úYd, ck;djla /iaj isá w;r Tjqkaf.ka fndfyda fofkla ú,dm ;nñka yvkq olakg ;eì‚' jeis iys; ld,.=Kh o fkd;ld lkaog hg ù ñh .sh ;u {d;Skag" wi,ajeishkag wjika f.!rj olajkak m‍%foaYjdiSka je, fkdleü WoEik isg y;a.ïfmd< úÿy,g meñ‚hy'

y;a.ïfmd< úÿyf,a ;ekam;a ler ;snQ Y%S ,xld hqO yuqodfõ y;r jeks n, we‚fha fiajh l< fldam‍%,a fifkúr;ak uy;df.a foayh ms<sn| wjika lghq;= mQ¾K yuqod W;a;udpdr hgf;a isÿ flß‚'

kdh hdfuka ñh .sh 16 fofkl=f.a isrere Bfha jk úg fidhd f.k we;s w;r u< isrere fidhd fufyhqï lghq;= Bfha Èkfha;a isÿ flß‚' y÷kd fkd.;a u< isrere 4 lao we;s nj fmd,sish lshhs'

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