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lmamï b,a,d meyer.;a
jdßhfmd< ;reKhd fírd.kshs

remsh,a fldaá foll lmamï uqo,la b,a,d jdßhfmd, - ue,aj;a; m%foaYfha§ meyer.;a 20 yeúßÈ ;reKhd wo ^15& WoEik ksljeráh m%foaYfha§ fmd,Sisfhka fidhdf.k ;sfnkjd'

isoaêhg iïnkaO iellrejka fofofkl=f.ka ,nd.;a f;dr;=re wkqjhs ;reKhd fidhd.ekSug yelsù we;af;a'

fuu ;reKhd ksljeráh m%foaYfha r|jdf.k isg we;s w;r" fmd,Sisfha fufyhqug wkqj Tyq k.rfha ia:dkhl§ wo WoEik uqodyer ;snqKd'

wod< ;reKhdf.a {d;Ska lmamï b,aÆ mqoa.,hska iuÕ mej;s ÿrl:k ixjdo .%yKh lsÍfuka fuu ;reKhd ksljeráh m%foaYfha r|jdf.k ;snQ njghs wkdjrK ù we;af;a'

mqoa.,hka fofofkl= w;awvx.=jg .ekSu;a iuÕ meyer.;a wfkla msßi fuu ;reKhd uqodyer we;s njhs jdßhfmd, fmd,Sisfha fcHIaG m%ldYlfhl= lshd isáfha'

20 yeúßÈ fudfyduâ wdIsla kï ;reKhd meyer .ekSug ,lajqfKa fmf¾od rd;%S 8'10 g muKhs'ta ;reKhd mÈxÑ ksji msysá ue,aj;a; udjf;a§hs' wod< ;reKhd meyer.ekSug ,laj we;af;a jdßhfmd, k.rfha msysá ish mshdf.a fj<|ief,a isg ksjig mdmeÈhlska .uka lrñka isáh§hs'

meyer .ekSug ,la jQ ;reKhdf.a mshd m%foaYfha jHdmdßlfhla'fmd,sish mjikafka meyer .ekSug ,la jQ mqoa.,hd ish mshdf.a jHdmdr lghq;=j,g iïnkaOj lghq;= lr we;s njhs'

fï w;r lsishï msßila úiska meyer .ekSug ,la jQ ;reKhdf.a {d;Ska yg remsh,a fldaá 2 l lmamï ,nd fok f,i b,a,d ÿrl;k weu;=ï lsysmhla o ,nd § ;snqkd'

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