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wjqreÿ 20l ;reKshla
iuQy ¥IKh lr .eìkshla l,
fofokl= we,a,Sug ‍fmd,sia mÍlaIK

jhi wjqreÿ úiail ^20& ;re‚hl wjia:d .Kkdjl § ¥IKh lr .eìkshla njg m;al< ffjoHjrhl= hehs mejfik mqoa.,hl= yd tu ;re‚hf.a uiaiskd flfkl= w;awvx.=jg .ekSu i|yd mÍlaIK wdrïN lr we;ehs kdW, ‍fmd,sish lshhs'

;re‚h kdW, ‍fmd,sishg isÿl< meñ‚,a,g wkqj ish ududf.a mq;%hd úiska ;re‚h h;=re meÈhlska l=reKE., m%foaYhg /f.k f.dia udkisl frda.hlg ffjoH m%;sldr lf<a hehs mjik foaYSh ffjoHjrhl= iu. tu m%foaYfha ia:dkhlg m%;sldr ,nd§ug hehs mjid fydag,hla jeks ia:dkhlg /f.kf.dia fofokd úiska iuQy ¥IKhlg ,lalr ;sfí'

2016 fmnrjdß ui § isÿjQ fuu isÿùu;a iu. h<s wjia:d y;rla ish ududf.a ksjfia § ffjoHjrhd hehs lshd.kakd mqoa.,hd iy ish uiaiskd tlaj ;uka ¥IKhg ,lal< nj o weh kdW, ‍fmd,sishg isÿl< meñ‚,a‍f,a oelafõ'

bl=;a od ^19& kdW, ‍fmd,sishg isÿl< meñ‚,af,ka wk;=rej jydu l%shd;aul jQ kdW, ‍fmd,sisfha ldka;d ld¾hdxYh ;re‚h ud;‍f,a wêlrK ffjoHjrhd fj; fhduqlsÍug mshjr .;af;ah' tys§ weh .eíf.k we;s nj wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

kS;Hkql+, Ndrldr;ajfhka wmyrKhg ,la lsÍu" iuQy ¥IKhla isÿlsÍu iy ta i|yd wkqn, ,nd§u hk fpdaokd hgf;a ;re‚hf.a udud" uiaiskd iy ffjoHjrhd w;awvx.=jg .ekSu i|yd
kdW, ‍fmd,sia:dkdêm;s ‍fmd,sia mÍlaIl iq.;a nKavdr uy;df.a Wmfoia mßÈ úfYaI ‍fmd,sia lKavdhula mÍlaIK mj;aj;s'

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