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;/Khska f.dkdg weka¥
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,xldfõ ckm%sh ks?mk Ys,amskshla jk hqf¾ks fkdIsld ldg;a fydrd újdy Èúhg tlaù we;s nj wdrxÉ jkjd' ta úl=ï keue;s ùäfhda wOHlaIl jrhd iu.hs' úl=ï keue;a;df.a Facebook msgqjg Tjqkaf.a újdy Èkfha Pdhd?m tlafldg ;sfnkj' hqf¾ks f.a <.u ys;j;a md¾Yj lsysmhla fï ksid wukdm ù we;s njo mejfikj'

kuq;a wmg wdrxÑjk mßÈ hqf¾ks óg fmr ;/Khska lsysm fofkl= iu. ino;d meje;ajQ wfhl= njo úúO ldrkd f.d;ñka Tjqkaf.ka u. wer ojiska oji ;/khska ud/lrk pß;hla njgo wdrxÉjkjd'

wm fuh ;j;a ñhqisla ùäfhdjlaoehs hqf¾ksf.ka l, úuiSul§ yÈis újdyh ms,sjoj fya;= ldrkd bÈßfha§ Èkl mjik njo' weh .;a ;Srkh ms<snoj úuiSï fkdlrk f,io weh mjid isáhd'

kuq;a hqf¾ks i.jk fuh ;j;a ñhqisla ùäfhdajla oehs ielhla mj;skj'

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