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fmd,sia mÍlaIl judrhs
wkqr fiakdkdhlf.a;a ku t<shg

r.¾ C%Svl jiSï ;cqãka >d;kh isÿjQ wjia:dfõ§ >d;khg wod, idlals jika lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ryia fmd,sish úiska w;a wvx.=jg .;a tjl kdrdfyakamsg fmd,sisfha wmrdO wxYfha ia:dkdêm;s f,i fiajh l< fmd,sia mÍlaIl iqñ;a pïmsl fmf¾rd uy;d ryia fmd,sish bÈßfha §¾> mdfmdaÉpdrKhla lrñka f;dr;=re /qila fy<slr we;s njg f;dr;=re jd¾;djkjd'

tys§ m‍%ldYù we;af;a wod< >d;kh Ý,snoj f;dr;=re jika lsÍu ioyd tjl fld<U niakdysr ndr fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl uy;df.ka n,mEï t,a,ù we;s njhs'

;cqãka urd r:h ;=,g oud r:h .sks ;nd ;sìh§ th ßh wk;=rla hehs igyka ;eîug Tyqg by,ska ksfhda. ysñjQ njo fuys§a wjOdrKh lr we;ehs ioyka'

;ukaf.a §¾> fiajd ld,h u; ,;a w;aoelSï wkqj isoaêh ÿgq u;ska th ßh wk;=rla fkdjk nj ye.S .sh nj mjid we;s pïmsl fmf¾rd yeä oeä ;reKfhla l=vd ßhlg wudrefjka ßx.jd r:hg .sks ;nd we;s nj ;udg fmkS .sh nj;a ta wi, wä fol yudrl muK hlv fmd,a,la ;snQ nj;a mjid ;sfí'

th >d;khla nj wod< ksfhdacH fmd,siam;sjrhdg mejiQ wjia:dfja§ neKje§ th wk;=rla f,i ioyka lrkakehs ksfhda. ,ndÿka njo fuys§ m‍%ldYù ;sfnkjd'

miqj Tyq bÈßfha§u weu;=ï lsysmhla ,nd.;a ksfhdacH fmd,siam;sjrhd ;reK md¾,sfuaka;= uka;‍%Sjrhl=g yd ysgmq wdrlaIl m‍%Odkshl=go isoaêh ms<snopj kj;u ;;a;ajh oekqïÿka njhs iellre fy,slr we;af;a'

miqj wod< ksfhdacH fmd,siam;sjrhd ñh .sh ;dcqãkaf.a mshdg mjid we;af;a Tyqf.a mq;= îu;ska ßh mojd wk;=rg ,laj we;s njhs' ta ms<snoj jeäÿr úu¾Yk l,fyd;a ;dcqãkaf.a pß;hg ydkshla jkq we;s njo wod< mqoa.,hd mjid we;s njhs ioykaj we;af;a' tiufhys meje;s ;;a;ajh ;=, ;ukaf.a yd mjqf,a idudðlhskaf.a Ôú;j,g we;súh yels ;¾ckj,g ìfhka i;H jika l< njo iellre wkdjrKh lr we;s njhs wod< jd¾;d fy<slrkafka'

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