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wdKavql%u jHjia:d uKav,h m;afõ
jHjia:d uKav,fha iNdm;s - lre
fufyhqï lñgq iNdm;s - rks,a

fi,ajï wfvlal,kdoka" ;s,x. iqu;smd," lî¾ yISï" iqo¾YkS m%kdkaÿmq,af,a" ;s,la udrmk" uyskao hdmd wfíj¾Ok" k,skao ch;siai hk wh fuys Wm iNdm;sjreka f,i l%shd lrkq ,nhs'

óg wu;rj w.%ud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.a iNdm;s;ajfhka yd idudðlhsla 21 fofkl=f.ka hq;= fufyhqï lñgqjla o m;alrf.k ;sfí'

tu fufyhqï lñgqj my; mßÈh'

1' iNdm;s rks,a úl%uisxy
2' ,laIauka lsßwe,a,
3' ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd
4' rjq*a ylSï
5' úchodi rdcmlaI
6' iqis,a fma%uchka;
7' mdG,s pïmsl rKjl
8' ßIdâ nÈhq§ka
9' ã'tï iajdñkdoka
10' ufkda .fkaIka
11' u,sla iurúl%u
12' wd¾' iïnkaOka
13' wkqr l=udr Èidkdhl
14' ä,dka fmf¾rd
15' ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok
16' chïm;s úl%ur;ak
17' tï' iquka;srka
18' ;=is;d úfÊudkak
19' ìu,a r;akdhl
20' v.a,ia foajdkkao
21' m%ikak rK;=x.

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