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Wvqlh ksrej;a PdhdrEmh .ek
YsfrdaIs frdfïIsld we;a; fy<s lrhs

flá ld,hla ;=, rislhkaf.a is;a Èkd .;a YsfrdaIs frdfïIsldf.a Wvqlh ksrej;a PdhdrEmhla Èkj, wka;¾cd,fha yqjudre jqKd' ta isoaêfha we;a; ke;a; .ek YsfrdaIs i;swka; mqj;am;lg fy<slr ;snqKd'

YsfrdaIs f;dard fírdf.k jev lrk ksido Ñ;%mgj, jeäh fmakak ke;af;'@f;dar,d fír,d rÕmdkak;a ljqre;a ug wdrdOdkd lrkafk kEfka' wdrdOkdjla wdfjd;a ú;rfk hkak mq¿jka'

YsfrdaIsg wdrdOkd wvqfkak fya;=j fudllao''@
iuyr whg udj ks¾udKj,g .kak ´k jqK;a nhla ;sfhkjd'

jeämqr jev fkdlrk tl rislhkag lrk widOdrKhla fkao''@
ug;a tfyu ysf;kjd' ta;a bÈßfha§ uu ks¾udKj,g;a iïnkaO fõú'

fï ojiaj, YsfrdaIsf.a Wvqlh ksrej;a PdhdrEmhla wka;¾cd,fha yqjudre fjkjd fkao''@
ug yß ÿlhs'' rx.k Ys,amskshka .ek wfma ñksiaiq ys;k úÈy yß wuq;=hs' oeka bkafk f.dvla udkisl f,âvqfka' uu Th úÈfy .Eksfhla fkfuhs'

t;fldg ta msx;+f¾ bkafk YsfrdaIs fkfuhso''@
ljqre yß msx;+rhla täÜ lr,d' wïu,d" kx.s,d ke;s whhs fï jf.a foaj,a lrkafk'

fï jf.a fohla lr,d YsfrdaIsf.ka m<s.kak ´k ldgo''@
uu ldjj;a lmkafk;a kE' tfyu ;sfhoaÈ fïjd lrkafk ljqo ukaod'

fï .ek ioao fkdlr ysáhu yßo''@
fïl lrmq whg iajNdjO¾uh oqjï fohs' fï msx;+rfha kshu msx;+rh t<shg oeïuu we;a; ke;a; f;afrhs'

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