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mqxÑ ikdhdf.a >d;lhd foi
f,dju wjOdkfhka

fï jk úg f,dalfhau wjOdkh fhduq ù we;s od Tiag%ේ,shdfõ W;=re fu,an¾kays T,sïmsla WoHdkh wi, ia:dkhl ;sî ikdhd kï udi my<jl is.s;s oeßhlf.a fidhd.;a u< isrer iïnkaOfhka wehf.a ujg fpdaokd t,a, ù ;sfnkjd'

wod< isoaêh jQ Èkfha WoHdkfha wdrlaIs; leurdj, igykaj ;snQ o¾Yk ksid fuu ielh 22 yeúßÈ fid*skd ksleÜ kï uj fj; t,a,ù ;sfnkjd'

fuu o¾Ykj,g wkqj uj úiska oeßh lr;a;hl ;ndf.k ;,aÆ lrf.k f.dia we;af;a miq od u< isrer yuq jQ ÈYdjgu njhs bka wkdjrKh ù we;af;a' h<s;a flá fõ,djlska miq uj oeßh fkdue;sj meñfKk wdldrh oel .; yels nj;a úu¾Ylhska mjikjd'

fuu o¾Yk wkdjrKh ùfuka miq uj úiska fmd,sishg mdfmdÉpdrKhla isÿ lr we;s w;r oeßhf.a urKh .ek l,ska lshQ lreKq wi;H nj;a bka ms<sf.k ;sfnkjd'

oeßhf.a uj óg fmr fmd,Sishg mjid ;snqfKa" ish ÈhKsh ;,aÆ lrk r:hl ;nd T,sïmsla WoHdkh ;=< /f.k hñka isáh§ îu;a mqoa.,fhl= úiska wehj meyer f.k .sh njhs' tfia meyer .;a nj lshQ oeßh ikdhdf.a ksi, foayh WoHdkh wi, l<mqjl ;sî Bg miq od fmd,Sish úiska fidhd .;a;d'

oeßhf.a urKh ms<sn| mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKfha§ fy<s ù we;af;a yqiau ysrùfuka urKh isÿù we;s njhs'

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