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wêlrK ksfhda.h wkqj isrl,
.=Kr;akï b,a,d fmrgq.dñyQ
hld kg;s - fmd,Sisfhka negka m%ydr
^PdhdrEm yd ùäfhda&

fmrgq.dó iudcjd§ mla‍Ifha fcHIaGhka we;=¿ idudðlhka mqxÑ fnd/,af,a msysá ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;= f.dvkeÕs,af,a fodrj,a ì|f.k Bfha ^01 jeksod& oyj,a Bg lvdje§ug W;aidy lsÍfï§ fmd,sish iu. we;s jQ .egqñka fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍka mia‌fokl= we;=¿ úisfokl= ;=jd, ,nd frday,a.; lr we;'

fuu .egqu ksid Bfha ^01 od& oyj,a fnd/,a, m%foaYfha oeä WKqiqï ;;a;ajhla‌ Woa.; úh'

.egqñka fmrgq.dó iudcjd§ mla‍Ifha foaYmd,k uKa‌v, iNsl ÿñkao kd.uqj" rùkaø uqo,sf.a" iqð;a l=reúg we;=¿ idudðlhka 15 fokl=g wdikak msßilg ;=jd, isÿù ;sfí'

l,yldÍ f,i yeisreKq msßia‌ md,kh lsÍug .sh iyldr fmd,sia‌ wêldß ixch brisxy uy;d we;=¿ fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍyq mia‌fofkla‌ ;=jd, ,enQy'

wêlrK ksfhda.hlg wkqj fmf¾od ^31 od& isr.; flreKq fmrgq.dó iudcjd§ mla‍Ifha foaYmd,k uKa‌v, iNsl l=ud¾ .=Kr;akï uy;d ksoyia‌ lrk f,i b,a,ñka tu mla‍Ifha fcHIaGhka we;=¿ 500 lg wdikak idudðlfhda msßila‌ Bfha ^01 od& oyj,a ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=j bÈßmsg§ iduldó Woaf>daIKhla‌ wdrïN l<y' l=ud¾ .=Kr;akï uy;dg mqrjeisNdjh ,ndfok f,i b,a,ñka fudjqka fuu Woaf>daIKh meje;ajqy' ú.uk kS;s W,a,x>kh l< l=ud¾ .=Kr;akïg tl kS;shl=;a úu,a ùrjxYg ;j kS;shl=;a l%shd;aul jk nj lshñka fuu msßi zidOdrKhla‌z b,a,d ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=j bÈßmsg Woaf>daIKh lr ;sfí' tys§ fmd,sish fmrgq.dó mla‍Ifha idudðlhka lSmfofkla‌ ú.uk md,l yuqùug

/f.k heug W;aidy l< o th id¾:l ù ke;' miqj fuu msßi ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fodrj,a lvd ì|f.k Bg lvdje§ug W;aidy lroa§ tys oeä WKqiqï ;;a;ajhla‌ Woa.; úh'

fuu l,yldÍ ;;a;ajh md,kh lsÍug fmd,sish Woaf>daIlhkag negka m%ydr t,a, l< w;r Tjqka o fmd,sishg fmr,d myr § we;'

miqj tu ia‌:dkh fj; meñ‚ ler,s u¾ok tallfha fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍka iy úfYaI fmd,sia‌ lKa‌vdhï lSmhla‌ Woaf>daIlhka m,jd yeÍug lghq;= l<y'
fmd,sish mjikafka Woaf>daIlhka úiska ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;= f.dvkeÕs,af,a fodr cfk,a lSmhla‌ úkdY lr tajdg ydks lr we;s njhs'

tfy;a fmrgq.dó iudcjd§ mla‍Ifha fcHIaGhka lshd isáfha fmd,sish ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fodr cfk,a lvd oud ;ukag wudkqIsl f,i myr § m,jdyeßh njhs'

fuys§ ;=jd, ,enQ jeä msßila‌ frdayf,ka m%;sldr ,nd Bfha ^01 od& ijia‌ jk úg msgj f.dia‌ ;sì‚'

rdcH foam< lvd ì| oud fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍkag myr§fï fpdaokd u; fuu isoaêhg iïnkaO mqoa.,hka w;awvx.=jg .ekSug lghq;= lrk nj fld<U fcHIaG fmd,sia‌ ks,Odßfhla‌ lshd isáfhah'

fuu m%ydrhkag iïnkaO mqoa.,hka iS' iS' à' ù' leurd ud¾.fhka y÷kdf.k we;s nj o tu ks,Odßhd lshd isáfhah'

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