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ud,sx.g whs'mS't,a hkak fokafka kE
ud,sx.f.a fkdiKavd, lg .ek
;s,x. l;dlrhs ^ùäfhda&

Y%S ,xld l%slÜ wdh;kfha ffjoH lñgqfjka ,is;a ud,sx. l%Svd l< yels l%Svlfhl= f,i ks¾foaY lrk ;=re whs'mS't,a' we;=¿ lsisÿ úfoaYSh ;,shlg iyNd.sùug wjir fkdfok nj l%slÜ wdh;kfha iNdm;s ;s,x. iqu;smd, uy;d mejiSh'

Tyq fï nj mejiqfõ wo ^12& fld<U l%slÜ md,l uKav,fha mej;s udOH yuqjlg tla fjñka'

,is;a ud,sx.g iqj jQ miq m%:ufhka Y%S ,xld l%slÜ wdh;kh oekqj;a l< hq;= njg ,sÅ;j oeKqï § ;sfnkjd'flfia kuq;a ;ju;a tjeks oeKqï §ula lr fkdue;s njo iqu;smd, uy;d i|yka l<d'

tfukau ,is;a ud,sx. fkdikavd, whqreka yeisfrk nj ;uka okakd nj;a óg jir 7lgj;a fmr Tyq ;ukag uqK .eiqfka kï ud,sx. óg jvd fjkia ùug bv ;snq nj;a iNm;sjrhd mejiqjd'

fï w;r ;jÿrg;a lreKq oelajQ iNdm;sjrhd mejeiqfõ l%slÜ wdh;kh úfõpkh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ud,sx.g tfrysj wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla lrk nj;a ta i|yd lreKq fï jk talrdYS lrñka isák nj;ah'

Y%S ,xld l%slÜ lKavdhfï kdhl wekacf,da ue;sõia f,dal l=i,dk mkaÿjdr úiaihs 20 l%slÜ ;r.fha wjika ;r.fha wdndOhlska isáho Tyq wjika ;r.fha § rg fjkqfjka b;d Wkkaÿfjka l%Svd l< wdldrho ;s,x. uy;d isysm;a l<d'

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