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iqj l< fkdyels frda.fhka fmf,k
fmdä;a;kag FB tflka b,a¨ ;E.s wrx
wjqreÿ kE.ï wd weu;s udud
^PHOTOS& i;sh mqrdjg iudc cd, fjí wvúj, jeä l;dnylg wjOdkhlg ,lajq" Wm;skau cdk úlD;shlg ,laj mSvd úÈk" foysf.d,a," ójd., .ïudkfha orejka fofokd yg Wmldr lsßu ioyd úÿ,s ikafoaY yd äðg,a há;, myiqlï wud;H yßka m%kdkaÿ uy;d 14Èk oyj,a ójd., .ïudkhg wjqreÿ kE.ï meñKshd'

orejka ioyd wÆ;a wjqreÿ ;E.s fnda." ÿrl:k myiqlï fkd;snq Tjqkg cx.u ÿrl:khlao" iudc cd, fjí wvúh u.ska orejd úiska b,a,k ,o mdmeÈho" orejka yg fi,a,ï nvq wÆ;a weÿï me<ÿï /ilao ta .ufkaÈ mß;Hd. lrkq ,enqjd'‍ orejka fjkqfjka wÆ;a wjqreoaog wjYH wvqu l=vqu ñ<§ .eksu ioyd remsh,a 25000l uqo,lao orejkaf.a uj fj; wud;Hjrhd úiska msßkeuqjd'

mdie,a fkdhk orejka fofokd i|yd mß.Kl ;dlaIKfhka orejkayg bÈßfha§ wl=re lrùfï yelshdj ,nd fok nj;a weu;sjrhd fuys§ mjid ;sfnkjd' frda.s orejkaf.a ksjfiys b;sß jev ksu lsßu ioyd remsh,a 150"000la ,nd§ug wud;Hjrhd tys§ fmdfrdkaÿ jqKd' ;jo fld<U m%foaYfha jeo.;a ia:dk keröu ioyd orejka Èk 2l ixpdrhl /f.k hEugo weu;sjrhd fmdfrdkaÿ ù ;sfnkjd'

fuu orejka ioyd Woõ Wmldr lsßu ioyd leu;s wfhl= isà kï cd;sl b;sßlsßfï nexl=j - uyshx.k YdLdfõ we;s .sKqï wxlh 1-0041-01-8471-3 .sKqug muKla uqo,a ;eïm;a l< yel' .sKqï ysñ orejdf.a uj ta ð nxvdr ueKsld fõ' jxpdldß mqoa.,hka isáu fya;=fjka tu .sKqug muKla uq,a ner lrk f,ihs Tjqka b,a,d isákafka'

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