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ysgmq fldákdhl rdï
fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg

t,a' à' à' B' ixúOdkfha ysgmq m%n, fmf<a kdhlhl= jQ täu,ix.ï wúpkaøka fkdfyd;a ˜‍rdï˜‍ kue;a;d ;%ia‌;jd§ úu¾Yk fldÜ‌Gdih u.ska w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

;%ia‌;jd§ úu¾Yk fldÜ‌Gdih u.ska l%shd;aul lrk mq¿,a úu¾Ykhla‌ iïnkaOfhka fuu ysgmq fldá kdhlhd w;awvx.=jg .;a nj fmd,sia‌ uQ,ia‌:dk wdrxÑ ud¾. lshd isà'

fï w;r ;u ieñhd fmd,sia‌ ks, we÷ug iudk we÷ï ye|.;a msßila‌ úiska meyerf.k .sh njg rdï kue;s fldá kdhlhdf.a ìß| ;sßla‌fldaú,a fmd,sish fj; meñ‚,a,la‌ lr ;sfí' fmd,sia‌ uQ,ia‌:dk wdrxÑ ud¾. mejiqfõ rdï kue;a;d meyer .ekSug ,la‌fkdjQ nj;a mÍla‍IK i|yd Tyq ;%ia‌; úu¾Yk fldÜ‌Gdihg /f.k .sh njh'

wjika hqo iufha § mjd fldá ixúOdkfha wïmdr Èia;%sla kdhlhd jYfhka lghq;= l< rdï 2009 jif¾ § ;%sl=Kdu,h m%foaYfha § ;%ia; úu¾Yk tallh úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k mqkre;a:dmkh lsÍfuka wk;=rej 2013 jif¾ § iudc.; lr we;'

bka wk;=rej fuu ysgmq fldá idudðlhd újdy ù ;srelafldaú,a m%foaYfha ish ìß| yd mÈxÑj isáñka Ôjfkdamdh jYfhka f.dú;eka lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ' flfia fj;;a fuu w;awvx.=jg .ekSu isÿ jQfha l=uk isoaêh mokï lrf.k o hkak fï jkf;la ks, jYfhka m%isoaêhg m;alr ke;'

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