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leì,s;a; foajd,fha
l;r.u foúhkaf.a wkqyiaj,g;a
wÆ;ska kS;s ouhs

reyqKq l;r.u foúhkaf.a msysá m‍%d¾:kdlr .ekSug l;r.u foajd,hg tk ne;su;=ka we;s yels wh l;r.u foúhka ms§u i|yd hk ;j;a wkqyia we;s ia:dkhla hd, jfkdaoHdfka msysgd ;sfnkjd'

ta ishU,dj fyj;a leì,s;a; foajd,hhs'fuu leì,s;a; fyj;a ishU,d foajd,h je| mqod.ekSu f,fyis myiq lghq;a;la fkdfõ'

tu .ukg hk wh uia udxYfhka f;drj udihla muK fmaùu wksjd¾h jk w;r fuu .ukg f*daù,a" Ôma r: wvqu ;rfï folla hd hq;=hs'

tu r: ufå tßfï§ weÈh yels mßÈ fuu Ôma r: ;sìh hq;=h'

fuhg wu;rj fuu foajd,h je| mqod .ekSug hkúg fkdb÷,a leú,s" m<;=re /f.k hd hq;= w;r hk iEu msßilau foúhka yg meKs n;a mqod lsß o b;sr úh hq;=hs'

fï wdldrhg úYd, lem lsÍula iy fmaùula lì,s;a; je| mqod.kakd ne;su;=kayg lsÍug isÿùu wksjd¾hhs'

jkÔù wjirhlska f;drj fldáh., we;suf,a m‍%foaY Tiafiao we;uqka lì,s;a; wvúhg meñfKk w;r jkaokdudkhg tk uqjdfjka we;uqka fuu NQñfha me/Ks kgUqka yEÍug o .ia lemSug o fhduq ù we;'

l;r.u foúhka jevjdih lrk njg iy wkqyia /ila we;ehs úYajdi flfrk fuu len,s;a; foajd,fha wdYs¾jdoh ,nd.ekSug tk ne;su;=kag yg kj kS;s mekùug ;sridr ixj¾Ok yd jkÔù wud;HdxYh ;SrKh lr ;sfnkjd'

wod< kS;s ,nk cQ,s m<uqjkod isg l%shd;aul njhs tu wud;HdxYh i|yka lf<a'

mßirhg isÿjk ydks wju lsÍfï wruqkska fuu ;SrKh f.k ;sfnkjd'

ta wkqj fldáhd., yryd iy wïmdr - l=uk wNhNQñh yryd jk m%Odk ud¾. fol muKla Ndú;d lrñka ñka bÈßhg len,s;a; foajd,hg .uka l< hq;= jkjd'

wod< ud¾. foflka .uka lsÍfï§ m%fõYm;% ,nd.ekSfï ljq¿ folla bÈßfha§ ia:dms; lsÍugo ie<iqï lr we;s w;r g%elag¾ r:j,ska meñfKk ne;su;=ka i|yd remsh,a oyil uqo,lao Ôma r:j,ska meñfKk ne;su;=ka i|yd remsh,a 2500 lao wh flfrkq we;s'

óg fmr len,s;a; foajd,hg .uka lsÍug fhdod.;a .,af.a ud¾.fha lghq;= i|yd bv fkd,efnk w;r fuu ;SrK rcfha m%OdkSkago l%shd;aulhs'

tfukau fmd,s;Ska /f.k hduo iïmQ¾Kfhkau ;ykï lr ;sfnkjd'

úYd, m%udKfha gh¾ fhÿ ´*afrdaÙ j¾.fha r: fhdodf.k len,s;a; foajd,h jkaokd lsÍugo hduo ta wkqj iïmQ¾Kfhka ;ykï jkq we;s'

tfiau j¾Idj wêlj mj;sk iema;eïn¾ udifha§ jkaokd i|yd meñKsu ;ykï lsÍugo ;sridr ixj¾Ok yd jkÔù wud;HdxYh ;SrKh lr ;sfnkjd'

óg wu;rj rd;%S yf;ka miq len,s;a; foajd,fha mQcdjka meje;aùugo cQ,s m<uqjkodhska miq wjir ysñjkafka keye'

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