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2016 w¿;a wjqreÿ ,s;

kj io ne,su

2016 la jq wm%sfha,a ui 08 jk isl=rdod o ” uehs ui 08 jk bßod o kj io ne,Su uekù’

mrK wjqreoao i|yd iakdkh

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w¨;a wjqreÿ Wodj

wm%sfha,a ui 13 jk nodod wmr N. 07.48 g isxy, w¨;a wjqreoao Wod fjhs

mqKH ld,h

wm%sfha,a ui 13 jk nodod iji 01.24 isg 14 jk n%yiam;skaod mq¾jNd. 02.12 olajd mqKH ld,h neúka wm%sfha,a ui 13 jk nodod osk iji 01.24 g m,uqj wdydr mdk f.k ish¨ jev w;ayer wd.ñl j;dj;a j, fhoSuo mqKH ld,fha wmg fldgi ;=, tkï 13 jk osk rd;%s 07.48 isg 14 jk n%yiam;skaod mqrjNd. 02.12 olajd my; oelafjk whqßka jev we,a,Su ” .ekqfokq lsßu yd wydr wkqNjh wdoS pdß;% bgq lsßu uekú’

wdydr msiSu

wm%sfha,a ui 13 jk nodod rd;%S 08.06 g fld< my;s jia;%dNrKfhka ieriS ol=Kq oSYdj n,d ,sma neo .sks fud,jd .sf;,a ñY% lsß n;la iy uqx weg ñY% leú,s wdydrhla ms,sfh, lr .ekSu uekú’

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wm%sfha,a 13 jk nodod rd;%s 08.45g fld< meye;s jia;%dNrKfhka ieriS ol=Kq osYdj n,d ish¨ jev w,a,d .kqfokq fldg wdydr wkqNjh uekù’

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wm%Sfh,a ui 18 jk i÷od Wfoa 06.27 g iqÿ meye;s jia;%fhka IERIS” Yslsß ñY% lsß n;a wkqNj lr kef.kysr osYdj n,d msg;aj hEu uekú’

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