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fhdaIs; we;=¿ 4 fokdg ksoyi
úfoaY .uka ;ykï" mÍlaIKj,g
iyh ,ndfok f,i ksfhda. ckjdß 30 jeksod fmd,sia uq,H wmrdO fldÜGdih úiska w;awvx.=jg .;a fhdaIs; rdcmlaI uy;d we;=¿ 4 fokd ksoyia lsÍug fld<U uydêlrKh wo ksfhda. l<d'ta remsh,a ,laIhl uqo,a wem yd remsh,a ,laI 10 ne.ska jQ YÍr wem folla u;hs'

úfoaY .uka ;ykï lsÍug yd mÍlaIKj,g wjYH iyh ,ndfok f,i ufyaia;%d;ajrhd Tjqkag ksfhda. l<d'

wem ,nd§u i|yd wemlrejka fofofkl= bÈßm;aúh hq;= nj;a Tjqkaf.a iqÿiqlï ms<sn| lvqfj, ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKh ;SrKh l< hq;= nj;a uydêlrKh ksfhda. lr ;sfí'

iS'tia'tka'kd,sldfõ m%j¾Ok lghq;= fjkqfjka rdcH foam, fhdod.ekSu iy fya;= bÈßm;a l< fkdyels uQ,H m%;smdokj,ska tu kd,sldj mj;ajdf.k hEu we;=¿ fpdaokdj,g wod,jhs Tjqka w;awvx.=jg f.k rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; lr isáfha'

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