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weu;s lsßwe,a,f.a ,shqug
le<Ksfha Wml=,m;sf.ka ms<s;=rla

Wiia wOHdmk wud;H ,la‍Iauka lsßwe,a, le<Ks iriúfha foaYmd,k úoHd wxYdêm;sg hjk ,o ,smshla fj; úYajúoHd, wdpd¾hjrekaf.a iñ;s iïfï,kh ish úfrdaOh m< lr ;snqk'

kuq;a  le<Ks iriúfha Wml=,m;s uydpd¾h iqkkao uoaÿunKavdr uy;d úiska Bg yd;amiskau m%;sú/oaO ùäfhdajla ksl=;a lr ;sfnkjd'

ta" úYaj úoHd, wOHdmk yd uydud¾. wud;H ,lauka lsßwe,a, uy;d úiska ;ud okakd y÷kk mqoa.,hl= le<Ksh úYaj úoHd,fha foaYmd,k úoHdj ms<sn| ;djld,sl l:sldpd¾h jrhl= f,i n|jd.kakd f,i okajñka hjd ;snQ ,smsh iïnkaOfhka woyia m< lrñka'

fuys§ le<Ks iriúfha Wml=,m;s uydpd¾h iqkkao uoaÿunKavdr uy;d fmkajd fokafka fuh .eg¿jla olajd j¾Okh ùu ;udf.a úu;shg lreKla njhs'

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