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ìh.ñka u;=jQ fodaIfhka
rgmqrd úÿ,sh ì| jefghs
g%dkaiafm%daurh mqmqrdhdu
lvdlmam,aldß l%shdjla o @

Èjhsk mqrd weK ysg ;snQ úÿ,s n,h fï jk úg h:d ;;a;ajhg m;a lr ;sfí'

uOHu rd;%Sh jk úg úÿ,s n,h h:d ;;a;ajhg m;a lsßug yelshdj ,enQ nj úÿ,sn, yd mqk¾ckksh n,Yla;s wud;HxYh i|yka lrhs'

Bfha miajre 02'30g muK Èjhsk mqrd yÈis úÿ,sh ìo jeáula isÿjQ w;r m'j 06'00 muK olajd;a fuu úÿ,sh ìo jeàug wod<j ksYaÑ; f;dr;=re fidhd .eksug wfmdfydi;aúh'

tfy;a úÿ,sn, wud;HxYh läka lv cd;sl úÿ,s n, moaO;sh h<s il%Sh ;;a;ajhg f.k taug lghq;= lrkq ,eìKs'

fï w;r úÿ,sh ìo jeàu;a iu. fkdfrdÉfpda,h n,d.drfha úÿ,s iemhqu o iïmQ¾Kfhkau weKysg ;sfí'

flfia fj;;a Bfha lE.,a, m%foaYfha§ meje;s udOH yuqjl§ úÿ,sn, yd mqk¾ckksh n,Yla;s wud;H rxð;a ishU,dmsáh uy;d lshd isáfha úÿ,sh ìojeáu iïnkaOfhka .eUqßka wOHhkh lr ksYaÑ; úiÿï ,ndÈug lghq;= lrk njhs'

tfukau mdßfNda.slhska m;a jQ wmyiq;djh ms<sn|j lK.dgqjg m;a jk w;r ta ioyd iudj who isák njo wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<ah'

fï w;r wo WoEik fuu úÿ,sh ìojeáu iïnkaOfhka úfYaI idlÉPdjla meje;aúug ie,iqïlr we;s nj wud;Hjrhd jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

flfia fj;;a wod< úÿ,sh ìojeáug fya;=j ìh.u m%foaYfha úÿ,s Wmfmd<l isÿ jQ yÈis ld¾ñl fodaIhla nj;a"tys m%Odk g%dkaiafm%daurhl mqmqrdhdfuka ydks isÿùu Bg n,md we;s nj;a úÿ,sn, uKav,h i|yka lrhs'

fï iïnkaOfhkao fï jk úg mßlaIKhla wdrïN lr we;s nj úÿ,sn, uKav,fha iNdm;s wkqr úfcmd, uy;d ioyka lf<ah'

ìh.u isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ri mßlaIl jd¾;djla le|úug o ie,iqïlr we;s nj lshd isá iNdm;sjrhd fuh lvdlmam,aldß l%shdjla o hkak iïnkaOfhka fjkuu mßlaIKhla isÿ lrk njo lshd isáfhah'

fï w;r fuu úÿ,sh ìojeáfï isoaêh ms<sn|j mßlaIKhla mj;ajk f,i Y%S ,xld udkj ysñlï fldñiug iy wmrdO mßlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=jg meñKs,a,la bÈßm;a lrk nj iuia; ,xld wdmkYd, ysñhkaf.a ix.ufha cd;sl ixúOdhl wfia, iïm;a uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

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