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pdjlÉfÉßfhka yuqjQ
urdf.k uefrk fndaïnfha
b,lalh ffu;%So@
mÍlaIK ;j ÿrg;a

wo Èk pdjlÉfÉßh" urjkamq,õ m%foaYfha ksjil ;sî fidhd.kakd ,o wên,e;s mqmqrk o%jH iy urdf.k uefrk LTTE idudðl we÷ï lÜg,h ms,sn| f;dr;=re /ila fï jk úg wkdjrKh lr.ekSug nqoaê wxYh iu;a ù we;' 

urdf.k uefrk we÷ï lÜg,hla" mqmqrK o%jH wvx.= nE.a 03la" me;s fndaïn 04la" m;frdï melÜ 10la iy negß mela 02lska iukaú; fuu wdhqO lÜg,h fuys i.jd we;af;a ,nk wfma%,a ui 03 jk Èk ckdêm;s;=udf.a m%Odk;ajfhka hdmkh Èia;s‍%lalfha meje;aùug kshñ; W;aijh iy ckm;s we;=¿ m%NQjre msßila b,lal fldg f.k m%ydrhla t,a, lsÍug nj wdrlaIl wxY úiska iel m,lrhs'

l,ska nqoaê wxYhg ,enqKq f;dr;=rlg wkqj fufyhqï Èh;a l, wdrlaIl wxY wo Èk fuu mqmqrK o%jH fidhd.kakd wjia:dj jk úg ksfjia ysñlre tu ia:dkfhka m,d f.dia we;s njg f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ù we;'

óg fmr wjia:djl§ ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI LTTE ys;jd§ka msßila iu. yuqod l|jqrl isÿ l, l=uka;%Khla hdmkh Èia;%sla ta cd m ixúOdhl ;Hd.rdcd ;=jdrflYajrï úiska fy<sorõ l, miq tys i;H ;dj ms,sn| tod isg wdrlaIl wxY oeä úuis,af,ka isá nj;a jd¾;d ù we;'

tu m%ldYh iy fuu yuqjQ mqmqrK o%jH w;r hïlsis iïnkaO;djhla weoaoehs wdrlaIl wxY úiska jeä ÿrg;a mÍlaIK mj;ajk njg jd¾;d fõ'

;Hd.rdcd ;=jdrflYajrï úiska isÿl, fy<sorõj

zzw; ckdêm;s ;=ud ffu;%smd, isßfiak yd w; w.%dud;H rks,a úl%u isxy uy;d yd wdrlaIl wud;H wud;H rejka úf–j¾Ok wud;H jrekag uu b;du;a meyeÈ,sj yd oeäj fï .ek m%ldY lr,d ;sfhkjd' t<fnk ff;fmdx.,a Èkfha oeä wdrlaIl n,mEula ;sfnkjd' t u ksid oeä wdrlaIl ie,iqï isÿ lr,d ;uhs ff;fmdx.,a W;aijh fuys l, hq;af;a' uu fï ms<sn|j m%isêfha m%ldY lrkjd' Tn okakjd 20 fjksod w; ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;dj l|jqrlg hk .uka >d;kh lsÍug l=uka;%Khla isÿl, W!;a;fi,ajd iy W!;a;fia¥ yd ffjoH f,dydka .=Kj¾Ok yuqod nqoaê wxYfha Wiia ks,Odßfhl= jk uyskao rdcmlaIf.a uiaiskd Tyqf.a ìß| iu. meñK fk,a,swä m%foaYfha ;sfnk W!;a;fi,ajdg wh;a ia:dkhl tu l=uka:%Kh ie,iqï lr ;sfnkjd' Tjqka iu. wdhqO 17la ;sfnkjd't,aáàtfhka fydrlï lrmq wdhqO tajd'Tyq Wiia ;ekaj, ysgmq tlaflfkla' ta iu. úúO uqo,a /ia lsÍfï lghq;=j,;a ksr; fj,d ;sfnkjd'ZZ

mÍlaIK ;jÿrg;a l%shd;aul jk nj wdrlaIl wxY jd¾;d lrhs'

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