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ue;s weue;s iqmsß §ukd
talÉPkaofhka iïu;hs

uka;%Sjrekag iy md¾,sfïka;= weue;sjrekag iqmsß myiqlï ,nd§fï wruq‚ka md¾,sfïka;= .Dy ldrl iNdj u.ska fhdackd myla‌ iïu; lrf.k we;'

ta wkqj ue;s weue;sjrekag ,ndÿka ia‌:djr ÿrl:k folla‌ i|yd remsh,a mkia‌oyil §ukdjla‌ f.ùug o" wod< weue;sjrhdf.a m%foaYfha ld¾hd,hla‌ i|yd udislj remsh,a 75"000 la‌" fld<U isg lsf,daóg¾ 25 lg jvd ÿr isák" ks, ksjila‌ fkdue;s ue;s weue;sjrhl=g f.j,a l=<S jYfhka remsh,a 50"000 la‌" jHjia‌:dodhl iNdj /ia‌jk Èklg remsh,a 2500 la‌" wdYsxl wëla‍IK iNdj /ia‌jk Èklg idudðlhkag remsh,a 4000 la‌ iy iNdm;sjrhdg remsh,a 5000 la‌ o jYfhka ,nd§ug .Dy ldrl iNdj u.ska iïu; lr f.k we;'

ue;s weue;sjrekag ,nd§ we;s ia‌:djr ÿrl:k fol i|yd rch udislj remsh,a ,la‍I 30 - 35 ;a w;r m%udKhla‌ jeh lrk w;r" ì, fjkqjg remsh,a mkia‌oyil §ukdj ,nd fokafka kï remsh,a ,la‍I 110 la‌ f.ùug rchg isÿjk nj jd¾;d fjhs'

md¾,sfïka;= ue;s weue;sjrekag ,ndfok jrm%ido iïnkaOfhka ;Skaÿ ;SrK .kq ,nk .Dy ldrl iNdj fuu fhdackdjka mla‍I kdhl /ia‌ùug bÈßm;a lr we;'

fuu ish¨‍ fhdackdjka iïu; lr .ekSu i|yd md¾,sfïka;=j ksfhdackh lrk 225 fokdu leue;a; m< lr ;sfí'

tfiau fï jk úg úfoaY.;j isák l:dkdhl lrE chiQßh uy;d furgg meñŒfuka miq wod< fhdackd md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka miq l%shd;aul lsÍug kshñ;h'

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