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n%i,aia m%ydrfhka miq
lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqm<
wdrla‍Idj oeä flf¾

n%i,aia‌ kqjrg t,a,jQ ;%ia‌;jd§ m%ydrfhka miq lgqkdhl .=jkaf;dgqmf<ao wdrla‍Idj ;r lsÍug mshjrf.k we;' n%i,aia‌ m%ydrfhka wk;=rej f,dj mqrd .=jka f;dgqm<j, wdrla‍Idj jeälr we;s nj úfoia‌ udOH lshhs'bkaÈhdfõ È,a,s .=jka f;dgqm< we;=¿ iEu m%Odk .=jka f;dgqm<lu wdrla‍Idj ;r lr we;s nj yskaÿ mqj;am; lshhs'

fï ksidu lgqkdhl .=jkaf;dgqmf<ao wdrla‍Idj ;r lsÍug wod< wxY mshjr f.k we;'

cd;Hka;r ;%ia; ixúOdkj,ska hehs ieCflfrk ÿrl;k weu;=ï lsysmhla ,eî we;ehs lshk wdrlaIl f,alï lreKdfiak ‍fyÜáwdrÉÑ uy;d fï fya;=j ksid lgqkdhl .=jkaf;dgqfmd< wdrlaIdj i|yd ;%súO yuqodj iy nqoaê wxY fhdod iqúfYaIS wdrlaIl jevms<sfj<la wdrïN lr we;ehso mjihs'

tu wdrlaIl jevms<sfj< ta wdldrfhka l%shd;aul jQj;a oekg rfÜ wdrlaIdj ishhg ;=kaishhlg;a jvd ;yjqre ù we;s njo wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd mjihs' Èkj, by; i|yka ks¾kdñl ÿrl;k weu;=ï ,eî ;sfnkafka nqoaê wxY iy ;j;a wdrlaIl wxY lsysmhlgh'

tu ÿrl;k weu;=ï ,enqfKa ldf.kao hkak iïnkaOjo fy<slr .ekSu i|yd mÍlaIK isÿjk njo wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd ;jÿrg;a mjihs'

furg wdrlaIdj fukau lgqkdhl .=jkaf;dgqfmd‍f<a wdrlaIdj ;yjqre lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak" w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy" wdrlaIl rdcH wud;Hjrhd" wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd" ;%súO yuqodm;sjre iy fmd,siam;sjrhd iy nqoaê wxY w;r foieïn¾ udifha isgu idlÉPd mj;ajd ;sfí'

;jo furgg hk tk f,dafl úúO ;%ia; ixúOdk idudðlhka msgqmi nqoaê wxY l%shdlrk w;r tjeks mqoa.,hka .Kkdjla y÷kdf.k o ;sfí'

fuu ;%ia; ixúOdk idudðlhka iuÕ in|;d mj;ajkafka ljqo@ Tjqka isÿlsÍug W;aidy lrkafka l=ulao hkak ms<sn|jo oeä wjOdkhla fhduqlr ;sfí'

ta w;r lgqkdhl .=jkaf;dgqfmd< ;=< l%shd;aul jk wdrlaIl jevms<sfj<g ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;= f¾.=j" isú,a .=jka fiajd wêldßh" .=jkaf;dgqfmd< iud.u" Y%S ,xlka .=jka iud.u we;=¿ ;j;a wxY /il iyfhda.h ,ndf.k we;'

;jo r‍fÜ wdrlaIdjg n,mdk wdldrfha hïlsis isoaêhla isÿfõ kï tjeks mqoa.,hka .ek f;dr;=re ;sfí kï ta iïnkaOj wdrlaIl wxY oekqj;a lrk f,io wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd uyck;djg oekqï fohs'

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