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fuh nrm;,hs
iudj Èh fkdyelshs
úÿ,sh ì|jeàu .ek
w.ue;sf.ka úfYaI ksfõokhla

Bfha uq¿ Èjhskg n,mdk whqßka úÿ,s n,h ì| jeàu ksid idudkH ck Ôú;h wvd,j" wm ieugu fndfyda wmyiq;djkag yd ÿIalr;djkag uqyqK mEug isÿúKs' fï ms<sn|j rch fjkqfjka n,j;a lK.dgqj m< lr isákafkñ'

flá ld,hla ;=< fï whqßka úÿ,sh ì| jegqKq ;=kafjks wjia:dj fuhh' th b;d nrm;, ;;a;ajhls' fujeks isÿùï i|yd ;jÿrg;a iudj Èh fkdyelsh' 

.re ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ud iu.;a" wod< wud;H;=uka yd ksfhdacH wud;H;=uka iu.;a idlÉPd fldg Wmfoia ,nd ÿka w;r" wo oyj,a udf.a m%Odk;ajfhka úfYaI idlÉPdjla o meje;aúKs'

tys§ fï whym;a ;;a;ajh ms<sn|j wjYH mshjr .ekSu läkï lsÍug ;SrKh flreKq w;r" .re úÿ,sn, wud;H;=uka úiska isoaêh ms<sn| ish¿ f;dr;=re ,nk 23 jk od md¾,sfïka;=j yuqfõ bÈßm;a lsÍug o lghq;= lrkq we;'

wkd.;fha fujeks ;;a;ajhla we;s fkdùu i|yd wjYH ;sridr mshjr .ekSu wdKavqjl j.lSuls' j¾;udkfha mj;akd ;;a;ajh Wodùug fya;= jQ lreKq fidhd n,d" §¾> ld,Sk mshjr .ekSu o wksjd¾hfhkau isÿ úh hq;a;ls'

fuu idlÉPdfõ§ kej; wjdOdrKh flreKq m%Odk lreKla jQfha úÿ,sn, W;amdokh ms<sn| ¥ro¾YS ie,eiaulska f;drj lghq;= lsÍfï úmdl wo ojfia úÈkakg isÿ ù we;s njh' 

óg l,ska úÿ,sn, Yla;s W;amdokh yd fnod yeÍu iïnkaOj meje;ajQ idlÉPd jg lSmhlau meje;ajQ w;r" j¾;udkhg yd wkd.; wNsfhda.hkag iß,k ksis ie,eiaula úÿ,sn, uKav,h i;=j ;snqfKa ke;' ta ksid uKav,hg mßndysr foaYSh yd úfoaYSh WmfoaYljrekaf.a fiajh ,nd .ksñka kj ie,eiaula ilia lsÍu i|yd lghq;= iïmdokh lrñka isákafkuq'

úÿ,s ì|jeàï i|yd j.lsj hq;= md¾Yjhka fyda mqoa.,hka ms<sn|j fidhd ne,Sfï mÍla‍IK oekgu;a wdrïN lr we;s nj o fuys,d isysm;a lruq'

ck;d jrñka wm n,hg m;a jQfha ck;d wNs,dIhka bgq lr,Sugh' tfyhska" ck;djg yeu úgu wLKav úÿ,sn, fiajdjla ,nd §ug wjYH flá ld,Sk yd uOH ld,Sk úi÷ï fiùug wms m%uqL;ajh ,nd fokafkuq' ta i|yd wjYH jkakdjQ m%;sixialrK" m%;sixúOdk fyda m%;sjHqy.;lsÍï bgq lr,Sug o wms lghq;= lrkafkuq'

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