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is,a ì|.;a k§Idf.a
ì÷Kq fmu fy,sfjhs
ysgmq fmïj;d fudyqo@

k§Id fyauud,s ojiaj, b;du;a ckm%sh pß;hla jqKdfka'

ta fudlo thd is,a ì|.;a;= ksid' thd is,a ì|.;af;a yenehs ienE Ôú;fha kï fkdfjhs' ta ñhqisla ùäfhdjla i|yd'

Tkak oeka k§Idf.a Ôú;fhka wÆ;au wdrxÑhla wm fj; jd¾;d fjkjd'

ta fudllao okakjdo@ thdg ojiaj, fmïjf;la ysáhdfka' fldfydu yß is,a ì|.;a;= flaia tl ksid ta fmï yqgmgh ke;s jqKd lsh,;a wdrxÑhla wdjd' yenehs ta l;dfõ we;a; ke;a; kï wms okafka kE'

wms okak úÈhgkï fï <.§ ;uhs thdf.a fmï yqgmgh ke;s jqfKa' Tkak wms fydh,d neÆjd thdf.a ysgmq fmïj;d ljqo lsh,d'

thdf.a fmïj;d ridx. lsh,d tlaflfkla' thd fjk ljqre;a fkfjhs fï fjkfldg ,xldfõ ckm%sh .dhlfhl= jk ridx. o is,ajd' fldfydu yß thd m<uq lidofhka Èlalido fj,d'

thd tlaore msfhla' yenehs fï fokakf.a fmï m,ys,õj oeka kï kE' ta nj ikd: fjkjd' ridx.f.a f*ia nqla msgqfõ 

tu f*ianqla igyk my;ska n,kak'

fï fjk úg k§Id iy ridx.f.a PdhdrEm wm fj; ,eî ;sfnkjd' yenehs Tkak fldfydu yß fï isoaêfhka k§I;a oeä l<lsÍulska bkafka lsh,;a wmsg wdrxÑ jqKd' fldfydu yß k§Idg isÿjqKq l< lsÍu ksid fyd| fyd| foajÆ;a thd lrf.k ;sfhkjd

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