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úu,a ÈjH{dKfhka
lshmq l;dj oeka yß

weu;s yßka rdcmlaI noao .ek lshhs

remsh,a ì,shk 1042'8l ;j;a úfoaY Khla .ek f;dr;=re fy<s ùu ksid jeÜ noao jeä lsÍug isÿjQ njo" ta ksid th rdcmlaI noao f,i ye¢kaùug isÿj we;ehso úÿ,s ixfoaY yd äðg,a myiqlï wud;H yÍka m%kdkaÿ uy;d mjihs'

wo fld<U§ meje;s udOH yuqjla wu;ñka ta uy;d lshd isáfha uyskao rdcmlaI wdKavq iufha uqo,a wud;HxY f,alïjrhd Kh .ksoa§ fï wdldrhg .sfhd;a wÆ;ska tk flfkl=g ;j;a wjqreÿ 2laj;a bÈßhg rg lrf.k hdug fkdyels njg tjlg weu;sj isá úu,a úrjxY lshd isá njhs'

ish ñ;% úu,a ùrjxY weu;sjrhd ÈjH{dKh my, ù l< tu m%ldYh oeka i;H ù we;s nj;a" bl=;a rch iufha bjla njla ke;sj .;a Kh ksid fï wdldrhg nÿ jeä lsÍug isÿj we;s nj;a" mejiQ weu;sjrhd fï ksid th rdcmlaI noao hehs lshd isáfhah'

uyskao rdcmlaI wdKavqj Kh .;af;a ishhg 6 fmd,shg njo lshd isá ta uy;d j;auka wdKavqj Kh .kafka ishhg 1'9 fmd,shg njo fyf;u mejiSh'

w.ue;sjrhd ,nk udifha§ Ökhg hdug kshñ; nj;a" tu ixpdrfhaÈ ixj¾Ok jevms<sfj< .ek ;jÿrg;a wjOdkh fhduq lrkq we;s nj;a" úfYaIfhka /lshd oi,laIfha jevms<sfj<g j;auka wdKavqj m%uqL;ajhla § we;s nj;a" Tyq lSfõh'

ffu;%S - rks,a iqixfhda.h ;=kal,a oelaulska rg bÈßhg f.khk njo lshd isá weu;sjrhd rcfha jevms<sfj< lvdlmam,a lrk md¾Yjhkag tfrysj ,nk 15 jeksod ;reKhskaf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka yhsâ msáfha§ iyfhda.s;d /<shla mj;ajk njo fyf;u mejiSh'

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