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foysj, úÿ,s ldkaÿjlska
tlu mjqf,a 4la ureg
mshd uy,a ksjdi ysñlrefjla

úÿ,sier je§ulska ñ tlu mjqf,a isõ‍ fofkl=f.a u< isrere foysj, - ljqvdk mdf¾ ksjilska fidhd.;a nj fmd,Sish lshhs'ldka;djka ;sfofkl=f.a yd msß‍ñfhl=f.a isrerla fuf,i fidhd.;a nj fmd,sia udOH tallh lshhs'

y÷kd .ekSug fkdyels mßÈ wod< u<isrere l¿ meye;s ù we;s njo tu tallh lSfõh'foysj, fmd,Sishg wo fmrjre 10g muK fï .ek f;dr;=rla ,eî we;s w;r jeäÿrg;a mÍlaIK l%shd;aulh'

fudjqka uqia,sï cd;slhka h'fï w;r ñhf.dia we;af;a je,s.u m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrejka msßila nj wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'ta wkQj mshd ^65& uj ^52& Èh‚h ^13& yd ;j;a {d;s Èh‚hl ^13& fuf,i ñhf.dia we;'Tjqka mÈxÑj isá uy,a ksjdi ixlS¾Kfha ysñlre fuf,i ñhf.dia we;'

uy,a ;=klska iukaú; ksjil my; ud,fha ;sî wod< u< isrer fidhd.;a nj fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl ld¾hd,h i|yka lf<ah'

fuu urK ±ä ms<siaiqï iys;j yuqj ;snqK w;r fmd,sish ksji msßrlaik wjia:dj jkúg y÷kd .ekSug fkdyels mßÈ u<isrere l¿ meye;s ù ;snQ njo jd¾;d úh' fmd,sish mjikafkA fudjqka úÿ,s ier je§ ñh hkakg we;s njls' ksjfia úÿ,s n, fmakqjlska úÿ,sh ldkaÿùula tla wfhl=g lïmkhla we;s l< miqj wfkla wh fírkakg hdfuka wka whgo úÿ,sh jÈkakg we;ehs u<isrere úisÍ ;snqK wdldrfhka ksÍlaIKh jQ nj foysj, fmd,sish jd¾;d l<d'

flfia fj;;a úÿ,s ldkaÿj isÿjQ wdldrh ;ju;a m%fya<sldjls' fï Èkj, úÿ,s n,h lmdyeÍula isÿjk w;rjdrfha fuu úÿ,s ierje§u jd¾;dù ;sfnk w;r lsisfjl= úÿ,sh kej; tk wjia:dfõ thg ksrdjrKhù isáhdo hkak;a fmd,sish u.ska úuid n,k nj jd¾;d fõ'

u< isrere tu ia:dkfha ;nd we;s w;r .,alsiai ufyaia;%d;ajrhd úiska ufyaia;%d;a mÍlaIKhla meje;aùug kshñ;h'

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