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;dcqãkaf.a >d;khg wod<
C.C.TV mg ;ju wêlrK fiamamqfõ

r.¾ l%Svl fudfyduâ jiSï ;dcqãkaf.a >d;khg wod< iS'iS'à'ù' ^CCTV& leurd o¾Yk we;<;a ùäfhda mg úfoaYSh rglg fhduq lr jd¾;djla le|jk f,i fld<U w;sf¾l ufyaia;%d;a ksYdka; mSßia uy;d ryia fmd,sishg ksfhda. lr udihlg wêl ld,hla .; jqj;a tu ùäfhda mg ;ju;a wêlrKh Ndrfha ;sfnk njg fld<U ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKfhka lreKq Bfha ^15& wkdjrKh úh'

bl=;a ckjdß 7 jk Èk w;sf¾l ufyaia;%d;ajrhd fld<U úYajúoHd,fha mß.Kl wxYh u.ska wod< ùäfhda mg iïnkaOfhka o;a; úYaf,aIK jd¾;dj bÈßm;a lrñka ;snQ ks¾foaYhkag wkqj ryia fmd,sish fj; fuu ùäfhda mg úfoaYSh úoHd;aul ridhkd.dr fj; bÈßm;a lr jd¾;djla le|ùug ksfhda. lr ;sìK'

2012$5$17 jk Èk isÿ jQ fudfyduâ ;dcqãkaf.a >d;khg wod<j ryia fmd,sish isÿ l< úfYaI úu¾Ykfha§ ,nd.;a iS'iS'à'ù' leurd o¾Yk we;=<;a ùäfhda mg fld<U úYajúoHd,fha mß.Kl mSGh fj; fhduq lr ;snQ w;rBg wod< jd¾;dj 2016$01$04 Èk fld<U úYajúoHd,h úiska wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lr ;sìK'úYajúoHd,fha mß.Kl wxYh u.ska ùäfhda mg jeäÿr úu¾Ykh i|yd wfußldfõ FBI yd lekvd fufg%dfmd,sgka wdh;k fj; fhduq lrk f,ig ks¾foaY lr ;sìK' ta wkqj bl=;a 7 jk Èk wêlrKh ryia fmd,sishg kshu lrñka úYajúoHd,fha ks¾foaYs; wdh;k fyda Bg jvd fyd|hehs is;k wdh;khla fj; iS'ã' ;eá fhduq lr jd¾;djla ,nd.kakd f,ig ksfhda. lr ;sìK' tfy;a tu iS'ã' ;eá kvq NdKav ryia fmd,sish fï jk f;la ,nd fkd.ekSu fya;=fjka tajd wêlrK fiamamqfõ r|jd ;eîug ufyaia;%d;ajrhd kshu lr we;'

fuu iS'ã' mgj, o¾Yk rd;%S ld,fha§ ùu;a ùÈmyka wdf,dalh yd jdykj,ska fl<skau m;s; jk wêl wdf,dal Odrdj ksid o¾Yk wmeyeÈ,s njg fld<U úYajúoHd,fha mß.Kl mSGdêm;s w;a;kdhl uy;d ish jd¾;dfõ olajd ;sìK'

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